Adding a confirmation to Heli Lift

Jack Marslow

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am starting to learn how to script things mostly by tweaking currently existing scripts. Usually I need an example to edit before I can learn to do it my self. There's some things on my server I'd like to add a Scroll menu confirmation to. For example my heli towing drop action.

_chopper = vehicle player;
_chopper removeAction BTC_liftActionId;
BTC_lifted    = 1;
BTC_dropcargo = 0;
_cargo_pos    = getPosATL BTC_cargo_lifted;
_rel_pos      = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
_height      = (_rel_pos select 2) + 2.5;
BTC_cargo_lifted attachTo [_chopper, [0,0,_height]];
_name_cargo  = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof BTC_cargo_lifted >> "displayName");
vehicle player vehicleChat format ["%1 lifted", _name_cargo];
_text_action = ("<t color=""#ED2744"">" + "Drop " + (_name_cargo) + "</t>");
BTC_SganciaActionId = _chopper addAction [_text_action,"=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_detachCargo.sqf", "", 7, false, false];
if (true) exitWith {};

I honestly have no idea how to do scroll sub menu's yet. Anyone able to help or point me in the right direction?
_chopper = vehicle player;
_chopper removeAction BTC_liftActionId;
BTC_lifted    = 1;
BTC_dropcargo = 0;
_cargo_pos    = getPosATL BTC_cargo_lifted;
_rel_pos      = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
_height      = (_rel_pos select 2) + 2.5;
BTC_cargo_lifted attachTo [_chopper, [0,0,_height]];
_name_cargo  = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof BTC_cargo_lifted >> "displayName");
vehicle player vehicleChat format ["%1 lifted", _name_cargo];
_text_action = ("<t color=""#ED2744"">" + "Confirm Drop " + (_name_cargo) + "</t>");
_text_action2 = ("<t color=""#ED2744"">" + " Drop Vehicle? " + (_name_cargo) + "</t>");
Confirmdrop = _chopper addAction [_text_action2,"BTC_SganciaActionId", "", 7, false, false];
BTC_SganciaActionId = _chopper addAction [_text_action,"=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_detachCargo.sqf", "", 7, false, false];
if (true) exitWith {};

Common guys, anyone gonna help a guy out? This aint workin at all -_- I don't understand where BTC_SganicaActionID is referenced here , but I cant reference back to it. What am I doing wrong?