Adding ArmoredSUV_PMC to Pwnz0rs DayZChernarus?


New Member
Hey guys, i read a few forums and cant get a straight answer on how to add ArmoredSUV_PMC (the SUV with the mini-gun.)

I Already commented it out of the ban list like this

Edited my database a completely new location to spawn it in object data / spawns / classes. It didn't pop up after i restarted the server. So next i thought maybe its a bad location or my classname was wrong so i tried the different variations ArmoredSUV_PMC... / _DZ and a few others i found on
(pictures below are of the database tables i edited)

Then lastly i thought maybe i didn't enter the database information correctly and nothing will spawn there. So i changed the itemclass to HMMWV_DZ and what do you know it spawned. If anyone sees that i made an error somewhere please let me know.

I Also tried using Nighmares Admin panel that works great for spawning in guns, teleporting, etc, but when i try to spawn a vehicle of any kind by clicking spawn object then selecting what vehicle and what player to spawn it at does not work. (step by step pictures below)

This is choosing spawn vehicle to player location. (i did select a player here)

This is after clicking spawn.

This is the live map.
As you can see it shows it spawned on the map, but there is nothing in game after restarting the server.

Thanks in advance everyone.