Adding new buildings and them not sitting right: a cry for help


New Member
Hey guys new to the modding game, started modding Balota and several other spots to create some new loot areas, wanted to add churches..they wont sit right at all.

So I am looking for someone to explain this in laymans terms what I need to do to get this to work properly, much appreciated.
try putting this in the init by double clicking the object you will see the entry box under the list in editor, i think this is the line not sure though

this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0]
Of course this depends on how you are trying to add buildings, if its through the database good luck trial and error for a few hours there to get the right coords.

Better off using the 3d editor saving the results and then get the coords from the sqm, then add them into the database or edit your mission.sqm and add them there I prefer the latter as it doesnt clog up the database.