Adding new custom content to DayZ server (Epoch)


New Member
Hey guys. I have the same post over at, but thought I'd also post it here as well. It's regarding adding completely new PBO's to my existing server.

We've added OWPack to our server (Epoch still, I'm lazy
), basically a massive pack of Robert Hammer guns and a few vehicles - pretty much all the breaking point weps. Working without issue on the server, I can even arm Sarge AI with the new weapons. Pack was added basically without issue.

This inspired us to create a new pack to use, consisting of lots of mods from Armaholic like the Sigma Car Pack ( and my personal favourite, the BD-5J microjet ( as a couple of examples.

What I did, was create my own biprivatekey using the BIS tools, created a new custom key to sign all these PBO's with, as some didn't come with server keys.

I put all the PBO's into one folder and then used dssignfile to sign all the pbos with the one key, and then replaced all the .bisign files with the new .bisign files for each PBO. Uploaded to server, put in a new folder which I called @BW. The PBO's are signed with a BW.bisign now.

I call the new pack in the same way that I called the OWPack when it was installed, e.g. added @BW;@OWPack in the command line to launch the server. That's loading fine. I entered entries for the new PBO's in my mission.sqm file after all the OWPack ones.

Everyone client side that is helping me test has all of these files i a new custom folder called @BW/addons and everyone is calling the @BW folder correctly in their client side command line.

This is where things get... strange. The server spits out that people cannot join the server due to the PBO's not being signed by a key that's accepted by the server. I have the BW.bikey file in the keys folder of the server directory and thought that this would have done it. I didn't need to specifically call the OWPack.bikey (just have it in the keys folder) anywhere and it works fine.

Turning off Signature Verification in the server .cfg file made everyone get stuck on waiting for host, black screen, till I removed all new entries from the mission.sqm file. Then, the server allowed people to join.

We removed all new pbo's from the @BW folder on the server and just had it installed client side. We can spawn basically all the content now, with a few errors though, such as 'cannot play with this content, content has been deleted' type error, however the stuff spawns anyway lol and is perfectly usable. But I don't want to leave this setting off, I want to make it verify the client side files so only people with those files can join type deal. E.g. have the signature verification set to '2' (or even 1 would do) in the server cfg file.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong, and why the server isn't seeming to recognise these pbos when I call them in mission.sqm? We've tried so much, and feel like we're so close due to actually being able to spawn stuff on the server. Any suggestions or ideas would be very much appreciated.

We suspect that it's a pathing issue with the PBO's involved or possibly something to do with the key used to sign, e.g. it's an old key or something like that and not recognised by the server itself - would all these new pbos need to be packed using a prefix of z\addons\ ?

Or would the prefix need to be @BW\addons\ ?