Adding to a existing custom config

Just that little bit?! That's way less then the other fix. But ya know...I'm not positive...but I'm starting to think, I'm pretty sure, that maybe it has something to do with the server not compiling completely. Because I kept getting an error where the server was looking in the wrong folder for a file, and the path had been changed, but it was still looking in the old spot. It finally fixed itself once I stopped the server a couple of times. (throws hands up) But if anyone else has issues, I will use your fix!
Hey Sheep Awesome Job on all your repacks!!!!
I went bact and grabed the church heal sqf from one of the past repacks installed it removed both the end loading lines and boom we get in every time usally under 30 on counter
you had added the other code to the complie sqf that helps fix this
using your repacks since 0.9 and if you need another test for any futue dayz epoch stuff let me know
thanks again you and your team are great!!