Admin Ammobox Inventory (SQL Method)


Well-Known Member
This is not a program I have written or anything special at all. All it is is a copy of my Ammobox inventory from my admin base. I looked around for a long time and found nothing so pulled this together from randoms bits. Hopefully it will help others for a quick cut and paste.

If you have added ammoboxes through the instance_deployables table in your database here are some weapons and ammo:



Copy the whole lot and delete what you don't want. Please note I did not find the ammo code for the Bizon. For those who don't know what each part is:
[[["The_weapon"],[how many of the weapon]],[["the_ammo"],[how many of the ammo]],[[],[]]] (I think the last part is for equipment but i am not sure, if someone could enlighten that would be great)

Hope it helps save some admins some time