Admin Tools for this Server


New Member
I have this server set up and running so me and a friend can play together alone, so we can learn the game without constant fear of being killed by other players.

What i am looking for now is a way to possibly teleport, spawn items and vehicles and maybe even an interactive map so we can try out a lot of things.

i tried the tools at over at PhoenixMods but only got to the part where i had to modify .pbo-files.

i found the missions.pbo (twice) and found a dayz_server.pbo, the files im supposed to modify for the tools to work.

but when i extract these files i find lots of init.sqf and it doesnt tell me which missions.pbo file or which init.sqf file to modify within any of these files.

Maybe someone can help me with that, or tell me different admin tools that are easier to use.

Thank you in advance.