Admin tools help


New Member
So when I use admin tools I get kicked due to script restrictions. I have an epoch namalsk hfb server and there is no private server folder that contains the scripts.txt. Also some of my traders work and some don't even though I have not messed with them yet. Any help is appreciated.
I know this is a few weeks old. HBF servers setup slightly different. Follow this format, and you should have no problems.

Any Battleye modifications (setpos.txt, attacho.txt, scripts.txt.)
Location: CONFIGFILES/Battleye

If running a mod and you need to edit dayz.code.pbo
Location: @DayZ_yourmodname (example, if your running Epoch, then dayz.code.pbo location will be @DayZ_Epoch

If running a mod, and you need to edit server.code.pbo
Location: @DayZ_yourmodname_server (same rule applies from above example)