AdminTools/AntiHack Issues.

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New Member
Hi all,

We recently purchased a server with and have had a couple of issues with the AntiHack/Admin Tools from

1st problem is use of "Teleport to Player" or "Teleport Player To Me", using this kicks the admin from the game with a setpos restriction #0.

Update to problem 1: I have added the ATPExclusion in and it stops me getting kicked when TP'ing players. However when I teleport then THEY now get a #293 restriction kick.

2nd problem I have encountered is getting script restrictions #2 when purchasing anything from traders.

3rd problem is when spawning in a HIVE vehicle we do not get a key added to the belt like on our DayZ.ST server and when using admin tools to create a key it gives the same key for every vehicle so we cannot replace anyones keys as they would have a key to the kingdom as such.

Any help you guys can give me would be great, the support tickets cannot be answered quick enough!

Many thanks,
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