advanced taking clothes script ...


Valued Member!
i love the take clothes script, but i was getting a bit annoyed by the fact that the skin on the model spawned by the script was always male survivor.

so at first i just decided to review it a bit and add in gender check to select skin acordingly for the model ... however it took a turn for the worse and i ended up adding in check for humanity aswell.
this all worked fine on players, however when i took clothes off an ai i found out it would always default to survivor skin (obviusly, since the humanity is 0 i realized after) so i had to figure out a way to differ between ai and players.
i started thinking and testing a lot and i came up with a check for side ... however, when i did this aparently i broke it so it could not detect diffrence in players anymore, so i removed check for side, when checking humanity.
this resulted in ai always deafult to survivor again, so i had to rule out the 0 humanity (whats the odds of a player on 0 humanity anyway?) ... but this seems to work somewhat now.

heres what i came up with:

basicly what it does is check for side, humanity and gender and if all fails, just gender check and gives random bandit or survivor.

this is still kinda buggy and it does have a tendency to default to survivor skin (especialy for ai), for some reason ... i belive it has something to do with the skins, but im not sure.

i still need to adjust hero/bandit diffrence in humanity, but other than that it should work

i also noticed for some reason ai will sometimes show side as unknown?

if someone can help me with a better idea to differ between ai and players, that would be awsome ... was considdering checking sarge variable aswell, but imho thats stupid and will only allow use with sarge ai then.

for anyone else you are welcome to use the script.
this is epoch version tho, but can easily be modded for use with almost any mod, by changing skins used in _models2use and female models in _femodels

... credits goes to the original creater of the script [GEEK SQUAD]Churchie.
