AI Limit per spawn?

Drew Reid

excuse my ignorance if any, I've searched the forums and havnt been able to find solutions to 2 problems I'm encountering.

1) I have this code selected.
// Prison Island Back
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_patrol_prison2", [11904.5,21135.3]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 1;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];

in relation to this

// Prison Island Back
[SAR_marker_patrol_prison2,3,5,8,"patrol",true,30] call SAR_AI;

3, bandits (bandit selection)
5, snipers
8, riflemen

however, I'm getting 5 snipers but no riflemen.
Is there a limit per squad, Im sure i've checked over the relating .sqf files and have adjust all required.
Please enlighten me if i've missed something.

It's on Origins Taviana, using the Woman bandit skin for riflemen.

2) second problem I'm encountering is that Soldier snipers (in ghillies) are not spawning with a weapon (in that case using it) .. Im using version 1.1.0 so therefor all sniper across (bandits, hero, soldiers) weapon loadouts will be the same. Bandit snipers (in ghillie suits) are able to spawn with correct weapons (DMR/M24/huntingrifle)

this problem is in relation to the above (problem #1) static spawns

Appreciate your help.
use the latest version, 1.1.0 should work as well though. switch on your debug levels and see what gets reported.
the latest version was giving us a few bugs, kills were not counted on debug monitor and seemed abit laggy. We can goto 1.5 when they are fixed.

will upload the report later today :)

rpt not needed, if you read my announcements, you can see that the bugs were fixed in the latest releases.

rpt not needed, if you read my announcements, you can see that the bugs were fixed in the latest releases.

I know they have been fixed, but we havnt had time to switch over just yet.
We havnt had any problems with 1.1.0, probably want to keep it on that version for now until the rest of our server issues have been corrected.

I believe this is the problem

17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW1_DZ,
17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW1_DZ,
17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW1_DZ,
17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BanditW1_DZ,
17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Rocket_DZ,
17:57:07 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier1_DZ,