Air raid - bombing and siren

Absolutly destroys vehicles!
I'm not sure if it will kill you, I have never been close enough.
It definetely can mess you up, I was hit with a shockwave from a blast like 50m away and it knocked my character on his ass
oh yes! it will mess you up! lol, while trying to escape the mayhem on one test, amongst all the ear ringing i was to close to a shell and it broke my legs made me bleed, passed out lying there till another shell fell nearby and finished me off! :D

now if i can jsut get these sounds to work :( im leaning more and more towards Panthera jsut doesnt allow the in game sirens, even using the custom ones they still wont play, maybe its because it starts off with the _mortar1, probably another sound file that isnt in Panthera, who knows, but no matter how bad i mangle the sound definitions in description.ext i cant get any errors in RPT about sounds to work off of, as it seems the scripts works perfectly just no sound aside from the Shell explosions
Let's continue our conversation here man, so others can see it if they run into problems. So I can't figure out why they aren't playing for you - using the most up to date script. But thats good news that they absolutely destroy you! I've been too afraid of losing my good character to get that close in testing.

So your sounds. I'm thinking it might be because Panthera defines custom sounds - probably in the equivalent@dayz_panthera code, not server side. So the mod is overriding the custom sounds we're using. I've never run panthera, so I can't say for sure - try looking through the panthera pbos for a description.ext and cfgsound.

Have you tried addding the soundPlay command? Probably won't do much but maybe worth a shot.

I'll download the panthera mod later and look around inside, see what I come up with.

Anyone else got any ideas?
Hey mmmyum, nice script - couple of quick questions:

_repeat = 30;                            //times to repeat
_break = 120;                            //time to break between attacks

1) Is '30' the number of individual bombs dropped per bombardment?
2) Does '120' represent the amount of time between one bombardment's completion, and the start of another?
Yea i have this feeling is comin down the the map, thanks, il jump into some PBOs here and see what i can find :D
Thanks! 1: No, 2: Yes

_repeat // This is the number of times the code runs altogether -

It will run through once (one location) while _repeat is higher than 1. Code runs approx every 10 mins (not incl _break) - so a new site will be selected every 10 mins, siren'd and bombed, until _repeat = 1.

_break //Time in seconds to wait before starting a new attack, yes you're right.

So _break = 120 will add a two minute pause to the end of the _repeat loop - effectively ensuring there is a period of 2 mins in which no bombs are dropped.

As for the number of individual bombs, you simply need to change the length of the second while loop (while _seconds > 1)

_seconds is set by _duration - which you can change here

_choice = 1; // This selects the type of bombardment - 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy
_duration = 60; // Here we select the duration of the bombardment - this should drop 60 bomb
hmmm, scoured the Panthera PBOs, cant seem to find anything about it, saw a few sound directories with SFXs for weapons, and zombie sounds thats about it, lol probably right under my nose, i dunno
hmmm, scoured the Panthera PBOs, cant seem to find anything about it, saw a few sound directories with SFXs for weapons, and zombie sounds thats about it, lol probably right under my nose, i dunno
Well if we've got directories for custom mod sounds, that means we have a cfgSound somewhere. Downloading it now, I will post if i see anything. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to get it to work, there has to be some workaround.

- can you play any sounds with the playSound command at all? If we can confirm that playSound will play something, we can substitute the sirens with it for confirm thats working, then it's simply trying to figure out what the names are for the in game sirens, or adding the customs I uploaded to the mod somehow.
@ Everyone
Looking at adding a chopper (or for the rmodders, an MV22) which will

spawn in,
fly over the bomb site,
"drop bombs",
after bombardment is complete land and spawn in a couple AIs

I'm not sure I can animate the bombs dropping, but I can surely call an AI spawn afterwards at the position of the copper or MV22. I'm looking through the animated heli crash code to learn about creating vehicles with ai's that fly, perhaps once I get the vehicles spawning in I can get the AI spawn ins to parachute down instead of the chopper landing.
If anyone has suggestions, knows more about this, feel free to chime in!
PS - I haven't forgotten about the nuke, still working on the creatvehicle particle containers showing their effects properly, and understanding what each particle container is doing.
Hello mmmyum, I was sleeping, but I am up now. So I am sorry for the late response.

Here is your error:
_rndLoc=floor(random 6); //pick random number 0-5, whole numbers only

You should have this set to random 1, with the 6 locations defined underneath as you have now. This is telling it to pick 6 locations randomly, instead of 1. If you want it to pick the 6 locations, then add more, but because you only have 6 locations to choose from, it needs to be set to 1.
Luckily, if you are with DayZ.ST, you do NOT need Rmod to spawn in ospreys, A-10's and a few other aircraft from Rmod =P

i completely agree, to be honest they should be moving in the direction of admins running private hives should be allowed to make spawnpoints for whatever vehicle or custom weapon they wish to add, Banlists for hackers is moot, because as stated in previous threads once a hacker is on the server with a working bypass, even though the gun or vehicle is banned, doesnt mean they cant spawn the bullet that goes inside, or simply as Hangender put it, 1 line code that can literally shoot the aircraft or vehicle out of a gun itself lol. But yea one of the main reason i stuck with ST because they offered this, and you didnt have to folder swap for rMod, if rMod was a bit more user firendly (not everyone wants to folder swap) and ST offered rMod2 i would consider running it
@ Sabbath - rmod is super simple to install, both client and server side, but if only they included it in dayz commander. But I agree with you, it's silly to ban these things as it just makes my life more difficult.

@Dlcoates1 - Hey, don't worry about the late response! But I don't think you are right...
Are you sure? Where am I using that _rndLoc number to tell it how many times to run? Or even how many positions to select?

I am using _rndLoc to assign a value to _position, and I am not using it for anything else. This value is assigned from the switch case --where the case is the value given by floor(random 6); (returns a value 0-5). So say _rndLoc = 3 after running floor(random 6), the Case 3: is selected, and assigned to _position.

From _position, vehicles are created to play sounds/create explostions.

Here is your error:
_rndLoc=floor(random 6); //pick random number 0-5, whole numbers only
You should have this set to random 1, with the 6 locations defined underneath as you have now. This is telling it to pick 6 locations randomly, instead of 1. If you want it to pick the 6 locations, then add more, but because you only have 6 locations to choose from, it needs to be set to 1.

If I set it to random 1, it gives a float decimal value between 0 and 1. Then using floor on that would round it down to 0, so case 0 would be selected every time.

From random on bi wiki

Random real (floating point) value from 0 (inclusive) to x (not inclusive).
From floor

Returns the next lowest integer in relation to x.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I think I'm correct, and it is working for me without random number of selections. Have you looked at the updated code from yesterday? Posted it because the first random version I had was very buggy.

I actually want to make a random number of selections version, but I'll get this resolved first.
Working on some code to get helis to spawn, come to the bombing area, bomb that shit up, and fly away (spawn ais to parachute down will come once i get this working.)

buggy as all hell probably, I'm in the middle of installing local server so I can test there instead of having to upload to my server every time and kick people off.

COMPLETELY UNTESTED: might even be missing semicolons

Fresh out the oven!
EDIT: apparently the code is too long for the forum to handle. I have uploaded the file instead to pastebin. Download it to see.

---->> PASTEBIN <<----

0.31 below - just did some more edits, made things clearer in the comments. But also added AI spawns to see how that would work, by calling execVM add_unit_server.sqf. Comment this out if you don't want to use it, or edit it to suit how you call your AIs.
-->><<--0.31 18/04/2013 00:10 hours
Just whipped it up learning from the animated heli crashes code, learning how to createpilots and move vehicles.
Again, untested!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I've put everything in one file - location generator, AI controlled chopper, and air raid script with bombs and sirens. Not sure if this is going to mess anything up, I have not used these waituntil commands before and I'm not sure how they'll behave.

Will be changing the vehicle selection method shortly, as outlined by sarge in his reponse to my select Random Worldspace post. (thanks Sarge!)

Let me know if my code is borked somehow, and let me know if it works!
I don't use battleeye so I can't comment, but FAQdaworld is right - figure out which one # 11 is referring to and change the 5 to 1.