Ammo Press Help

Howdy SmokeyMeadow, thanks for the addon.

I'm still trying to figure out what is meant by "ammo pressing". Could you give a bit of an explanation and why it would be a benefit to a player?

It's just a way to make extra ammo. You get three magazines for every bit of scrap in your inventory. I wanted to bring a bit of the massive industrial equipment you see around Chernarus back online. If you ever played through Fallout 3, it's kind of similar to the reward you get for completing the Pitt DLC. So in short, an ammunition factory for your players.
Ah ok, I got it. Not a bad idea! I like it. However, would you consider adding a couple more balancing factors in such as requiring more particular types of inventory items? I know scrap metal is rare and when found is normally reserved for vehicle repair. What about an interruptible process that takes a while to complete during the press action?
I did experiment with a longer press cycle, but it was temperamental. Sometimes it was fine, but others it never shut off. And after a few minutes it can be very annoying. Other times it crashed the game. This is why I skipped the looping sound and just let it play once. As for making it interruptible, I'm not really sure how I would do that.
I did experiment with a longer press cycle, but it was temperamental. Sometimes it was fine, but others it never shut off. And after a few minutes it can be very annoying. Other times it crashed the game. This is why I skipped the looping sound and just let it play once. As for making it interruptible, I'm not really sure how I would do that.

If you want to make it interruptible, I would suggest taking a look at Krixes self bloodbag, his is one of the few scripts that actually work 99% of the time in regards to interruption.

Edit: You should also use a menu format instead of fn_selfActions. It looks a lot cleaner and requires no modification of the fn_selfActions. Well, it requires a little bit if you want to use cursorTarget. You'll need one scroll action to execute the menu. Unless you wanted to go the sensors way, and just place a sensors at the worldspace of each stack that executes it.
Player on my server can "make" ammo with the use of scrap, But... no scrap spawns in the server at all.. they have to use a tier crafting system to craft components up into scrap eventually, and like Matt L mentioned you can incorporate a fail percentage or interuption, maybe even have the ammo blow up in your face as a lack of skills to "Press the Ammo" *evil grin*;)

You have to watch as players don't discard "anthing" they find, tin cans, toilet paper, trash is gold lol...
It does have a chance of the action failing, it's variable depending on the number in this line:
if (_chance > 10) then
It's 10 by default, but making it higher than 50 will make the action much more difficult to achieve.
I didn't realize the bloodbag script had a cutoff, I see the code now, but I've never been able to stop a self transfusion in the process. I'll have to look at that some more.
It does have a chance of the action failing, it's variable depending on the number in this line:
if (_chance > 10) then
It's 10 by default, but making it higher than 50 will make the action much more difficult to achieve.
I didn't realize the bloodbag script had a cutoff, I see the code now, but I've never been able to stop a self transfusion in the process. I'll have to look at that some more.

r_interrupt = false;
Sound z_engine_12s_0 not found o_O
In your download sound z_engine_12s_O is missing :(
What version of Day Z are you guys using?
That engine sound is a stock arma file, at least I thought it was. If it's not present in your version, go into description.ext and add a new sound class. Find class CfgSounds
{ and add this to it:
class engine_12s
titles[] = {};

Then add a folder Sound in your mission pbo. Add the .ogg file of your choice in there, and name it engine_12s.ogg.
Steam version, Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA in seperate folder. Launch with Dayz Commander.
And what beta patch? Sorry, forgot to ask.
Have you copied the contents of your Arma 2 addons folder into addons folder in ArmA 2 OA?
Also, does it play the other sfx ok? For when the press malfunctions? DayZ Chernarus
in 1 folder
Arma: 103718
Where i can grab engine_12s.ogg?
I've been trying to find it. Not really sure, but here is a custom file. It's the original ammo press sfx from the press in FA3 the Pitt. I figure if you're going to have to add your own sounds they might as well be authentic. It's 48kb. I tried to compress it as much as I could.