Any way to make tents transparent with no collision?


Well-Known Member
I would like to change "Tent" to "Cache Materials" or some similar name, and allow it to be placed just like a tent and contain items, but remain invisible, and be able to be walked/shot through. The only time it would be "seen" is when the icon/text to interact with it pops up, which would also operate as the perfect cache discovery mechanism since an unsuspecting player would need to be right next to it in order to see the icon/text (discover the cache).

It seems that the only changes needed to do this are:
1. make tents transparent
2. make tents able to be walked/shot through
3. change display name "Tent" to something more fitting like "Cache Materials", which is stuff like weather-proof storage containers/materials, and materials for concealment

Anyone know how to do these three things (# 3 is not actually mandatory, but would be nice)?
Are you willing to edit .pbo's and require everyone to download this as a separate mod? Cause that's the only way I see this working.