Auto Refuel Scripts Removes Sidechat for

its not cause of auto refuel

go into your description.ext and change this line
disableChannels[] = {0,1,2,6};

to this:
disableChannels[] = {0,2,6};
Yeah reactortrip is right, Same thing happened to me but its not adding autorefuel that does it, It seems to be that since you have edited that file it wants to use everything on it. I had sidechat enabled before then i put in autorefuel and bam no more side chat. But its a quick simple fix.
unpack mission.pbo
Go into description.ext
Find line
disableChannels[] = {0,1,2,6};
Change line to
disableChannels[] = {0,2,6};

Sidechat is channel 1 just for future refrence