Private Chenraus Hive


Chernarus JOIN NOW

wir sind jetzt 10 Leute die regelmäßig Abends auf dem Server sind. Wir hoffen, dass wir schnell wachsen. ;)

IP: oder unten in der Signatur ;)

Wir haben folgende Scripte eingebaut. (Stand: 17.07.13)

-Base Building !!!
-Auto Refuel
- Suicide Script ;)
- Animated Heli Crash Sites
- Suicide Script :p
- Extra Gebäude und Loot-Berreiche und versteckte Lager zum einnehmen.
- und viel mehr

Aktive Clans bekommen Material zum Basis bauen.

wir arbeiten fleißig an verbesserungen.

Besucht uns doch mal.


Mumble Server


Port: 64738



we a now 10 Guys and we play very often on our own server. I hope we grow up very fast.

IP: or just look into my signature ;)

We have lots of features for example:
- Base Buil,ding
- Auto Refuel
- Suicide Script ;)
- Animated Heli Crash Sites
- More Buildings with loot areas and hidden bases
- and lots of more

aktiv clans get some stuff to build there own base.

Your welcome on our server,

best regards,

Mumble Server


Port: 64738


Welcome to the Private Hive][Bambi-Saeuberung][ BASE BUILDING][Random Bases][ Activ Admins][ TSW-Antihack

DayZ ][Bambi Saeuberung][BaseBuilding1.2][111+Vehicles][TSW-AntiHack][MoreBuildings][AutoRefuel][AI-Patrols][
==> IP : <==
==> Mumble Server Adress: // Port: 64738 <==
==> TeamSpeak coming soon <==
DayZ Chernarus
Private Hive
Hacker Free with the TSW Anti-Hack
Base Building
100+ Vehicles
Random Bases
More loot areas in the north of the map
10 Chopper Spawn
40 Slots
Auto Restarts every 2-3 hours with multiple warning
Custom Crashsites Spawn
Auto Refuel
AI Patrols
Suicide Script :p
Removing Vehicles Part (we work on it)
Face Customize (we work on it)
Removing Clothes From Dead Corpse (Ghillie, Camo)(we work on it)
No Tracers
3rd person
Death Message
Side Chat
!!!Active Admins!!!
Hello every body, I will make a quick presentation about our server.
This server is recent and its for everybody. I said EVERYBODY, from the bambi to the experimented one ! For now we have most likely 10 player who are actually staying on our server to play every day ! Of course its not a lot but that why we count on you to come and make this server works !
We are very friendly with everybody who want to talk or report something, our admins are present 18h a day, and for the 6 hours left there is still the TSW Anti-Hack working every time !
Every country is welcome to join and to play with us, we have a lot of player from the Great Britain, Germany / French / Russia and some other country !
We are preparing some event too :
- The military convoy (Stop the convoy to win some rewards)
- Easter Game ( We hide some nice Cars/Guns for you)
- And some more !!
If you have some idead please ask us =)
Every clan gets some goods/stuff to build there own base on our server. Just ask us =)
Feel free to come and let us know what do you think !!!
Have fun and Trust nobody !!!