Bambi Saeuberung


Chernarus JOIN NOW
wir sind jetzt 10 Leute die regelmäßig Abends auf dem Server sind. Wir hoffen, dass wir schnell wachsen. ;)
IP: oder unten in der Signatur ;)
Wir haben folgende Scripte eingebaut. (Stand: 17.07.13)​
-Base Building !!!
-Auto Refuel
- Suicide Script ;)
- Animated Heli Crash Sites
- Suicide Script :p
- Sachen von leblosen Personen können entwendet werden
- Extra Gebäude und Loot-Berreiche und versteckte Lager zum einnehmen.
- und viel mehr
Aktive Clans bekommen Material zum Basis bauen.​
wir arbeiten fleißig an verbesserungen.​
Besucht uns doch mal.​
Mumble Server
Port: 64738​
we a now 10 Guys and we play very often on our own server. I hope we grow up very fast.​
IP: or just look into my signature ;)
We have lots of features for example:​
- Base Buil,ding​
- Auto Refuel​
- Suicide Script ;)
- Animated Heli Crash Sites​
- Steel Clothes from dead players​
- More Buildings with loot areas and hidden bases​
- and lots of more​
aktiv clans get some stuff to build there own base.​
Your welcome on our server,​
best regards,​
Mumble Server
Port: 64738​
Welcome to the Private Hive][Bambi-Saeuberung][ BASE BUILDING][Random Bases][ Activ Admins][ TSW-Antihack​
DayZ ][Bambi Saeuberung][BaseBuilding1.2][111+Vehicles][TSW-AntiHack][MoreBuildings][AutoRefuel][AI-Patrols][​
==> IP : <==
==> Mumble Server Adress: // Port: 64738 <==
==> TeamSpeak coming soon <==
DayZ Chernarus
Private Hive
Hacker Free with the TSW Anti-Hack
Base Building
100+ Vehicles
Random Bases
More loot areas in the north of the map
10 Chopper Spawn
40 Slots
Auto Restarts every 2-3 hours with multiple warning
Custom Crashsites Spawn
Auto Refuel
AI Patrols
Suicide Script :p
Removing Vehicles Part
Face Customize
Removing Clothes From Dead Corpse (Ghillie, Camo)
No Tracers
3rd person
Death Message
Side Chat
!!!Active Admins!!!
Hello every body, I will make a quick presentation about our server.
This server is recent and its for everybody. I said EVERYBODY, from the bambi to the experimented one ! For now we have most likely 10 player who are actually staying on our server to play every day ! Of course its not a lot but that why we count on you to come and make this server works !
We are very friendly with everybody who want to talk or report something, our admins are present 18h a day, and for the 6 hours left there is still the TSW Anti-Hack working every time !
Every country is welcome to join and to play with us, we have a lot of player from the Great Britain, Germany / French / Russia and some other country !
We are preparing some event too :
- The military convoy (Stop the convoy to win some rewards)
- Easter Game ( We hide some nice Cars/Guns for you)
- And some more !!
If you have some idead please ask us =)
Every clan gets some goods/stuff to build there own base on our server. Just ask us =)
Feel free to come and let us know what do you think !!!
Have fun and Trust nobody !!!
Wir würden uns über Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen // We wait for your feedback to make the server better for you =)

Ai Troops
Debug Monitor
Base Building + more Buildings (Build your own Hangar to safe Gear)
Aktiv Admins
Random Bases with extra Loot
Random Buildings with Extra Loot