Base Building 1.3 for Overwatch 0.2.5: Waiting for Server to Start Authentication Issues

Overwatch 0.2.5: Waiting for Server to Start Authentication Issues, HFB Servers

Hey guys,

I am having some issues with my installation. I followed all of the instructions, and upon uploading the changed files everything seemed to work totally fine (building, taking down, not getting kicked, etc.), and built objects actually stayed after a restart via the admin panel (shift+p). However, after I shut down the server and rebooted it (I think I was just altering the time of day or something like that), I kept getting stuck on Waiting for Server to Start Authentication on the loading screen, and then I get kicked back into the lobby.

I have skimmed through the help/discussion thread for it, saw a few people having the same issues, but didn't come across something I could use as solution. If someone knows how to fix this, or if this was already posted and missed it, please just turn me in the right direction.

The one thing I noticed in the installation was one step at the very end of the server_monitor.sqf instruction to replace these lines:

Now find

} else {
[_entity, _inventory] call fa_populateCargo;

Replace that with

} else {
if (!(typeOf(_entity) in allbuildables_class) && !(typeOf(_entity) in BBAllFlagTypes) && !(typeOf(_entity) in BBAllZShieldTypes)) then {
[_entity, _inventory] call fa_populateCargo;

I was not able to do this as I did not actually have those lines in my file... prior to installing BB 1.3, I did replace my server_monitor with my old original server_monitor file while in the process of attempting to fix my tent duping issue (which works just fine), so I am thinking it may have something to do with this. However, I referenced my last servers server_monitor file from when I was running a server, and I still could not find the lines that the instructions are telling me to replace.

If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Ok so I did a reinstall, and I have made some progress. Turns out, because I use server_monitor for Overwatch rather than the default one (to fix some Overwatch-related bugs), all I had to do was use the instructions for editing that file from his provided instructions for My problem where I am stuck on authentication page are no longer persistent, but I have run into another problem.

I can place down a flag, build objects that I can access, add UIDs, etc., but after restart, it is as if something is blocking the database from recognizing me and fellow base builders are in fact the owners of those parts. This means that after restart: cannot remove objects, cannot use access panels to open/close doors, etc.

Also, in my rpt logs, I am not running into any base building related errors, however, I do get a line spammed saying the server could not recognize a particular object. My guess is the bricks as I have not been able to spawn these in. Otherwise, the only problem I have run into is losing access as owners to built parts.

Anyone have a solution for this?