Base Building keypad/gate code not working

Im not sure about anything but i do know that sql is pretty straight forward and if you have the server write parameters correct and they coincide with the DB schema then yes it will work. Its just about figuring out exactly how it requires items to be saved.
You could always just message daiymo or kikyou and pick their brain on how they got it to save in the first place and then follow the changes that the latest updates made to the DB
I can build the keypad and gate, and the code works fine until a server restart. After restart the keypad and gate are still there, but code fails. The code is not saving to database. Has anyone had this problem or know of a fix? Thanks.
Yo, how are you building a "keypad"? I've got the basic 1.2 BB with like 30 or so buildables. I don't recall seeing a "keypad" on the buildable list. Mind you, I've never used BB before, so this is completely new territory for me.