battle eye script restriction #53


New Member
Added a Weather effects script to our DayZChernarus server and it starts to play an intro and kicks for #53

pulled the log and it read this "#53 "Changed", { player call antiWall; } ];
empHit = player addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;}];"
Add the name of the script to the end of line 53 , which I think should be the line starting "5 addMPEventhandler" , which is actually line 55 ..

Add your script to the end , and it should look something like this: (lets say the scripts name is "weather.sqf")

5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\"," !"weather.sqf"

If there is a path to your weather script, include that too.. like:

5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\"," !"Scripts\weather.sqf"

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the reply, I'll try this out. Will this work for any other script restriction I run into in the future??
Thanks for the reply, I'll try this out. Will this work for any other script restriction I run into in the future??

It should, but its not always as straight forward. Give it a go, if it doesn't post your problem on the forums again and I'm sure someone will find the answer for you. Good luck :)