Best AI system?


New Member
Just thinking what's the best AI script for DayZ Epoch? I have tried EMS, WAI and thinking DZMS. I would like to have as many missions as possible. I have seen server with missions like "Ikea truck crash, go get your buidling supplies!". What mission system do you use?
hey finplayer21

these are coded specifically by the server owners, if you open the mission files, and have a read through the files, you can easily create your own.
I use Dayz-Mission-master from github, give it a try it will give you good insight to how it all fits.
I love WAI but DZMS is also really good, try both and go with what suits.
As for the missions it's easy enough to customise them, just use an existing mission as a template.
To be honest i like DZMS and DZAI there both good scripts i dont have much to complain about them and DZMS is also good because it is actively updated ... while WAI updates are spread apart overtime so i would recommend DZMS