=BTC= Fast Rope

I'm on Dayz.st .

I did add this line in init.sqf
//My Scripts
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "Refuel\fuelactions.sqf";
_fast_roping = [] execVM "FastRope\fast_roping_init.sqf";

And everything is working.

BUT if i click on Fast Rope it will do nothing..

So I wonder?

Thanks for your reply tho!
"When the pilot deploy the ropes, an action appears to all the players in the cargo, so they can use ropes to disembark.

At the moment this feature it's available for UH-60M and MH-60S only."
Did you actually get this working? All I can get is the deploy ropes, and the player in cargo position can select fast rope (even says so in the corner) but nothing actually happens?
Yeah I've been playing around with this on my server can't get them usable, just clickable.

I too have this same problem. I changed the helo type and all and it still only gives the pilot and cargo passengers the option to click, but nothing happens. It appears this thread may be dead :(
Bumping in hopes someone other than me is working on this! I've been writing a re-writing but still the same end result! :(
if you look in the editor the choppers are named to handle with the script.i think you have to recode the script in any way to works with all avail. choppers on the map...
in your =BTC=_fast_roping_init.sqf change line 9 to
} foreach (nearestObjects [[3000,3000,0], BTC_roping_chopper, 50000]);

and replace your =BTC=_functions.sqf with

BTC_deploy_rope =
    hint "Rope deployed";
    _veh = vehicle player;
    _veh setVariable ["BTC_rope",1,true];
    if (BTC_AI_fast_rope_on_deploy == 1) then {_fast_rope = [_veh] spawn BTC_AI_fast_rope};
    WaitUntil {!Alive _veh || !Alive player || (((getPos player) select 2) > BTC_fast_rope_h) || format ["%1",_veh getVariable "BTC_rope"] != "1"};
    _veh setVariable ["BTC_rope",0,true];
BTC_cut_rope =
    hint "Rope cut";
    _veh = vehicle player;
    _veh setVariable ["BTC_rope",0,true];
BTC_fast_rope =
    hint "fast roping";
    _unit = player;//_this select 0;
    _veh = vehicle _unit;
    _unit action ["EJECT",_veh];
    diag_log format ["FASTROPE: ejecting"];
    _unit setPos (_veh modelToWorld [2,1,-2]);
    unassignVehicle _unit;
    _unit switchMove "LadderRifleStatic";
    _unit setDir (getDir _veh - 90);
    diag_log format ["FASTROPE: Waiting for condition 1"];
    WaitUntil {!Alive _unit || (((getPos _unit) select 2) < 1.5)};
    diag_log format ["FASTROPE: Checking if condition"];
    diag_log format ["Alive: %1 , Low Enough: %2 , Speed Low: %3",Alive _unit,(((getPos _veh) select 2) < BTC_fast_rope_h),speed _veh < 20];
    if ((((getPos _veh) select 2) < BTC_fast_rope_h) && speed _veh < 20) then
        diag_log format ["FASTROPE: if passed"];
        _unit setVelocity [0,0,0];
        _unit playMove "LadderRifleDownOff";
        if !(isPlayer _unit) then {_unit move [((getPos _unit) select 0) + 3,((getPos _unit) select 1) + 3,0]; diag_log format ["FASTROPE: Unit Moved"];};
    if (((getPos _veh) select 2) > BTC_fast_rope_h) then {hint "The chopper flew away! The rope has been cut!";};
BTC_AI_fast_rope =
    _veh = _this select 0;
    _veh flyInHeight (BTC_fast_rope_h - 2);
    _time = time + 60;
    WaitUntil {!Alive _veh || !Alive driver _veh || (((getPos _veh) select 2) <= BTC_fast_rope_h) || _time < time};
    doStop _veh;
    if (Alive _veh && Alive driver _veh && (((getPos _veh) select 2) <= (BTC_fast_rope_h + 1))) then
            if !(isPlayer _x) then {_fast_rope = [_x] spawn BTC_fast_rope;sleep 3;};
        } foreach assignedCargo _veh;
    sleep 3;
    _veh move position _veh;
It kinda works now:) some deploy and are fine but some fall and die. Are u having similar issues?
Now my AI don't work either. I've double checked everything and it seems fine so I'm wondering if the scripts are conflicting somehow. Sabbath, do you have AI in your server? And if so do they still spawn?
Yea im runing Sarge's AI pakage, i have not noticed any problems, AI still spawn, only time i have fallen and hurt myself was when heli pilot pulled up out of range mid fast rope and i broke my leg, it did give me the msg through that he flew away.

as for AI problems, check your RPT file for any errors/conflicts it will usually tell you the file and line or give you a general idea about what the root of the problem is, though im glad its atleast somewhat working for you