Bug where people have trouble getting in vehicles together, somehow related to humanity or killing..

you guys can either log, or change clothing.. either one will temporarily fix it as I stated originally.. looking for a permanent fix here. Thanks
Hi guys! Any news on this issue?
Is there any way to resolve this? I would not mind completely disabling a type of AI (like disable bandit faction or whatever) if that would solve this. I REALLY like sarge AI, but this bug is really getting to people on our server..

So if you guys have any work around, no matter how drastic, please let me know.

FYI: I have already set SAR_FIX_VEHICLE_ISSUE = true; and upped the wait time in the fix sqf
There is no work around other than to completely remove friendly AI or deal with it unfortunately. You could use dzai which does not have friendly ai and so doesnt have this issue