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  • Let me know how it works for you. This was my first release though I've been writing for some time. I carved this out of my existing whole set. I 'think' i copied over the unique variables, but you never know. Let me know any errors and I should be able to fix quickly.
    Did you give it another try?
    yea sorry i was just able to test it tonight literally as Im typing this. It all seems to work but I won't know fully until I put it on the main server and see how it works with a full server with many different groups.
    I do have some small requests though if Im to make this go live. Im hoping you'll entertain them.
    Mainly to add names to the name tags, add a dead body marker to the map, and also possibly move the the notifications down to title text instead of hints.. because anyone with their debug monitor open or if a mission goes live, they will not be able to see that they've received an invite.
    Good day!
    On my favorite server on which I usually shoot streams my profile will be banned. I wanted to know for what reason? To record video, I used the program Bandicam Shareware unless it can be the cause of the ban? Record button F9? Please unban my profile and I can not continue to make a film on your server WICKED about DAYZ OVERWATCH

    My nickname Valkyri
    We spoke about Wicked, gillie server and infistar... ;)

    Two things, where did you (or he) get the AI missions and list for expanded traders?

    AI Missions: a github thing? Where do I find it?

    Traders: I'm hoping you will say it wasn't a manual db insert. If so, where did you get all the weapon, launcher, vehicle.... code names?

    Thanks man
    hmmm... or is it a dayz unblock? Regardless, did it have to be unblocked on your server?
    I highly recommend infiSTAR's antihack. It will help keep your server free of cheaters but also provide you with tons of tools to help you including lists of vehicles, weapons/mags , and buildings. Epoch has a version of RMOD installed, so many guns are already unblocked but not all.
    Epochmod.com is the site you want to look for, for a safe zone. Although infiSTAR has a safe zone on his pastebin that is compatible with his anithack, should you choose to get it.
    hey i really need your help with something can u add me on skype? danfos87 tnx :)
    yes i know that thats is the problem, i get some error and the server just wont lett me in just retrying. okei i have teamspeak so just tell me when u can. tnx :)
    Yea will do. Thst just means you made a mistake somewhere in your server files. Could be as simple as an extra comma somewhere.
    nice is maybe i have done something wrong im glad u can help me :) when are u going home? :)
    Hey i'm kinda new to dayz scripting, do you think you could possibly help me out?
    I bought infistar for my server, and i've tried setting it up, but for some reason it won't work.
    My teamspeak is ts.chernosaints.com:9335 if you would possibly join ;p
    i can possibly join another time but Im helping a buddy set up his server tonight. I can try and help you on here. Send me a PM
    Tried adding the biplanes but for some reason I just get a black screen do i add it after this?

    if (!(_type in SafeObjects )) then {
    _damage = 1;
    diag_log format["OBJ: %1 - %2 REMOVED", _object,_damage];
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