Can't fuel vehicles (full hp)


New Member
I'm hosting the newest server version and refueling isn't working. The Jerrycan is emty after the animation, but the fuel isn't added to the vehicle. Any suggestions?
Thanks for any help
Is it for all vehicles or just aircraft? I know if you don't repair all the windscreens in a plane or helo, the fuel just leaks out instantly.
Sometimes the choppers an the plane are bugged so bad, not even repairing them that way works. They'd have to be deleted from the DB directly, and left to re-spawn in again. (or fixed in the database by hand by eliminating all the damage points and setting the damage level to 0.0)
Thx for the fast answers - the refueling is bugged for all vehicles and they are fully repaired, dunno what to do : (.
Refueling just isn't working at all, maybe the code is corrupt?
I noticed that in 1.7.6 and it happens in from time to time. A few friends host as well and they have had the same issue. You'll have to delete the entry from your DB and let the vehicle respawn.