Can't migrate 3 files


New Member
When I try to migrate the Bliss Messaging,Bliss Buildings and BlissInvCust keeps coming up with this error

INFO: Trying to connect to, database dayz as root
C:\DayZ\Repository/schema/BlissMessaging/mysql is not a directory! at C:\DayZ\Repository\ line 54

Any Help?
that seems correct, the error is very weir becouse its says that C:\DayZ\Repository/schema/BlissMessaging/mysql is not a folder, can you post:

2. the command line AND PARAMETERS you are using including the current path example: C:\repo\ --hostname --user zedar --pass 123P --name dayzcherno --port 3306 --schema BlissMessaging --version 0.01
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Bliss schema migration utility
# by ayan4m1
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use DBIx::Migration::Directories;
use DBIx::Transaction;
use DBI;
our %args;
my %db = (
'host' => $args{'hostname'} ? $args{'hostname'} : 'localhost',
'user' => $args{'username'} ? $args{'username'} : 'dayz',
'pass' => $args{'password'} ? $args{'password'} : 'dayz',
'name' => $args{'database'} ? $args{'database'} : 'dayz',
'port' => $args{'port'} ? $args{'port'} : '3306'
if ($args{'help'}) {
print "usage: [--host <hostname>] [--user <username>] [--pass <password>] [--name <dbname>] [--port <port>] [--schema <schema>] [--version <version>]\n";
print "\n";
print "Use --schema to specify an optional schema (the name should be a directory in schema\\) which has custom schema changes to apply instead of the default \"Bliss\" schema.\n";
print "If you specify --schema, you must specify a --version for that schema as well. The starting schema version is always 0.01 for official optional schemas.\n";
die "FATAL: Schema version must be specified for non-standard schema!\n" if ($args{'schema'} && !defined $args{'version'});
my $schema = $args{'schema'} ? $args{'schema'} : "Bliss";
my $version = $args{'version'} ? $args{'version'} : "0.36";
print "INFO: Trying to connect to $db{'host'}, database $db{'name'} as $db{'user'}\n";
my $dbh = DBIx::Transaction->connect(
) or die "FATAL: Could not connect to MySQL - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";
my $m = DBIx::Migration::Directories->new(
base => dirname(__FILE__) . '/schema',
schema => $schema,
desired_version => $version,
dbh => $dbh
my $cur_version = $m->get_current_version();
if ($cur_version) {
printf("INFO: Current $schema version is %.2f\n", $cur_version);
} else {
print "INFO: Did not find an existing schema for $schema\n";
print "INFO: Latest schema version is $version\n" if (defined $args{'check'});
die "INFO: Exiting\n" if (defined $args{'check'});
print "INFO: Attempting migration to $version\n";
$m->migrate or die "FATAL: Database migration failed!\n";
printf("INFO: Completed the migration from %.2f to version %.2f\n", (($cur_version) ? $cur_version : 0), $m->get_current_version());

This is the command i use
C:\DayZ\Repository perl --hostname localhost --user root --pass xxxx --name dayz --port 3306 --schema BlissMessaging --version 0.01