DayZ Controlcenter V7.2.0.0
- [NEW] Added Support for DayZ 1.8.2
- [NEW] Added CC functions to 1.8.2 code
- [NEW] Added rMod2.1 support for DayZ 1.8.2
- [NEW] Added support for latest beta patch 1.63.125548
- [NEW] Added SteamPort and SteamQueryPort settings to CC-Configuration tab and config.cfg
- [NEW] Added new database tables for player data (Character_Data, Player_Data, Player_Login)
- [NEW] Renamed and changed columns/layout in the rest of the database tables
- [NEW] Added CC functions to new Hive (.dll files)
- [NEW] Added Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable to installer
- [NEW] Fixed and added new icons to the map
- [NEW] Added missing images to adminpanel
- [NEW] Updated old images in adminpanel to new ones
- [NEW] Added allot more weapons and items to inventory editor in adminpanel
- [NEW] Added several weapons to the check for banned weapons
- [NEW] Updated GameQ that CC uses to report server info to dashboard to newest version
- [NEW] Updated all battleye filters
- [FIX] Arma2oaserver.exe not copying from Arma2OA root folder to instance folders
- [FIX] Beta patch version check when launching software not working correctly
- [FIX] Humanity not working correctly
- [FIX] Medical not saving correctly on newest DayZ version
- [FIX] Players not showing up on map
- [FIX] All vehicles not showing up on map
- [FIX] Inventory of deployables not showing correctly
- [FIX] Saving new player gear from web-admin not working
- [FIX] Players showing up as dead on map when they are alive
- [FIX] Custom-loadout causing errors when trying to join server
- [FIX] Custom-loadout not working with 1.8.2
- [FIX] Removed broken keys from "Keys" folder causing server to crash
- [FIX] Global Loudout not working on all supported maps
- [FIX] Spawnselection on Lingor (Hunting Grounds) not working
- [FIX] Required beta version changed to 125548 on all instances
- [FIX] Players not spawning with global gear after death
- [FIX] Database Error 1054 (Unknown column Survivor_Kills)
- [FIX] Battleye filters, players kicked of server on death
- [FIX] .rpt error from server files on death. (server_playerDied.sqf)
- [FIX] Dashboard displaying "Server is currently offline" even though the server is running
- [FIX] Item check in player and deployable inventory not working correctly
- [FIX] Minor other problems with vehicle on map
- [FIX] View "All" on map not working
- [REM] Removed message "Could not delete a temporary folder!" during install
- [REM] Removed option to install beta patch through CC installer! (Can only be installed through steam nowadays!)
- [REM] Removed old player data tables (survivor,profile,log_entry)
Special thanks to:
*Crosire for helping to fix GameQ and vehicle issues
*Supporters who helped test the Pre-Release
The ideal place to post bugs/problems is under following:
Server related issues
Controlcenter related issues
Known "issues":
*Displaying "Received invalid data" when launching software.
(Ignore, waiting on access to the ftp server so I can update the version check.)
Download section here