Celle Info for 1.9 with downloads. (want a working mission file?)


I'm putting this thread up because i love this map but it seemed no body would give it the time of day because it is broken by default and no one would provide easy access to information about the included features / addons. Please update your BEFILTERS, read through the whole changelog thread and update all filters accordingly. JoShapps is your man for that. Check his posts.

Working Mission File for Celle 1.9 DayZ.ST Servers, which I assume will work on any Celle 1.9 server. Don't quote me on that but you're welcome to try.
-Fixed Humanity Morph which it seems no one else was ever going to do.
-Includes Auto Refuel.
World_Vehicle Tables - Still updating but still better than no new spawns.
Vehicle Table - Includes most of the new vehicles, still updating.
Gun List - Will try to be as accurate as possible (from creators change log)
Skin List - Pulled from other posts will give credit where it is due

Credit to Graz for this amazing map, thank you for this. Cant wait for v2.0+
Credit to Franky for pointing me in the right direction to fix the humanity morph, his scripts are included in this but were not updated to work properly as the new bandit and new hero didn't even work.
Credit goes to Mattz for the easiest refuel script ever. Works great on any server, it is included in this PBO

Credit to JoShapps - BE FILTER MAGIC
Credit to whoever wrote the Dynamic Weather Script I have included as well, acquired it while adding in the auto refuel to my Chernarus server.



  • dayz_mission.pbo
    717 KB · Views: 56
Easiest way I can think to add this into your database is go to the vehicle table in PHP MyAdmin
Then click the SQL tab along the top
Paste this info into there, it will error out if any of this info already exists.

(11913, 'GazelleDPM', '0.100', '0.500', '0.200', '0.500', 0, 2, '', '[]'),
(16367, 'UAZ_MG_INS_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '1.000', '1.000', 0, 3, NULL, '[]'),
(21031, 'BAF_Merlin_DZC', '0.100', '0.500', '0.000', '0.600', 0, 2, '', '[]'),
(23470, 'LandRover_SPG9_TK_EP1_DZ', '0.500', '0.000', '1.000', '1.000', 0, 3, NULL, '[]'),
(26399, 'Gazelle2', '0.100', '0.500', '0.000', '0.500', 0, 2, '', '[]'),
(27074, 'LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '0.200', '0.250', 0, 3, '', '[]'),
(33511, 'AW159_Lynx_DZC', '0.100', '0.500', '0.000', '0.400', 0, 3, '', '[]'),
(34921, 'Offroad_DSHKM_TK_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '0.200', '0.500', 0, 3, '', '[]'),
(40367, 'UAZ_MG_CDF_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '1.000', '1.000', 0, 3, NULL, '[]'),
(41731, 'LandRover_MG_TK_INS_EP1_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '1.000', '1.000', 0, 3, NULL, '[]'),
(49268, 'HMMWV_TOW_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '0.200', '0.500', 0, 3, '', '[]'),
(50729, 'tractorOld', '0.500', '0.900', '1.000', '1.000', 0, 5, NULL, '[]'),
(52111, 'Gazelle1', '0.100', '0.500', '0.000', '0.500', 0, 2, '', '[]'),
(58473, 'HMMWV_M2_DZ', '0.500', '0.900', '0.200', '0.500', 0, 3, '', '[]'),
This will get you started with a bunch of extra spawns. I put these all in manually myself instead of using the map tool. I wanted them to look nice. Insert this into your world_vehicle table using the SQL tab along the top. (more to come)

(12192, 55, 9, '[0,[11854.575195312,11268.493652344,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(17686, 50729, 9, '[0,[1515.48828125,5261.1328125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(20938, 92, 9, '[58,[2562.4,10514.6,0.001]]', 'MJ Castle', '0.500', NULL),
(21620, 50729, 9, '[0,[7039.3774414062,2532.9711914062,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(22472, 50729, 9, '[0,[8593.3935546875,3169.5922851562,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(24321, 19, 9, '[0,[986.97265625,1020.99609375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(33330, 25, 9, '[0,[6880.2221679688,3148.5717773438,0]]', '', '0.800', ''),
(39784, 50729, 9, '[0,[6956.796875,7339.16015625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(40085, 150, 9, '[239,[2866.42,11048.4,0.001]]', 'GazelleUN Derpmort', '0.500', NULL),
(40531, 36, 9, '[311,[11812.4,5639.66,0.001]]', 'Bus Echede', '0.800', NULL),
(51109, 50729, 9, '[0,[4413.3154296875,5529.8950195312,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(54846, 49, 9, '[237,[1808.7,9627.42,0.001]]', 'MTVR at Palace', '0.500', ''),
(56019, 29, 9, '[213,[1761.09,9635.67,0.001]]', 'SUV 2 at Palace', '1.000', ''),
(59585, 10, 9, '[0,[3799.2163085938,7861.669921875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(61641, 33511, 9, '[112,[1595.11,9591.12,0.001]]', 'Lynx in Palace', '0.250', ''),
(66851, 29, 9, '[130,[1767.84,9610.78,0.001]]', 'SUV at Palace', '1.000', ''),
(68736, 12, 9, '[0,[4225.6323242188,1788.2446289062,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(71842, 16, 9, '[0,[6754.0991210938,7986.2915039062,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(78350, 50729, 9, '[0,[8923.7158203125,2776.2084960938,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(82820, 16, 9, '[159,[5691.37,3994.3,0.001]]', 'White Truck Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(83635, 10, 9, '[0,[5465.8422851562,4195.0927734375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(90135, 19, 9, '[0,[8106.9189453125,4225.1220703125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(90236, 19, 9, '[0,[5865.2319335938,5678.5400390625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(92293, 33, 9, '[130,[3044.96,11047.9,0.001]]', 'Land Rover Derp', '0.800', NULL),
(99234, 21031, 9, '[147,[1734.53,9637.76,0.001]]', 'Merlin Near Palace', '0.250', ''),
(99235, 26399, 9, '[327,[9213.22,3999.75,0.001]]', 'Gazelle2 at Base', '0.250', ''),
(99236, 44, 9, '[155,[3031.37,11083.5,0.001]]', 'Lada Derp', '0.800', NULL),
(99237, 58473, 9, '[277,[2996.51,10921,0.001]]', 'HUMVVE M2 DERP', '0.800', NULL),
(99239, 19, 9, '[0,[8106.9189453125,4225.1220703125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99240, 19, 9, '[0,[986.97265625,1020.99609375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99241, 19, 9, '[0,[5865.2319335938,5678.5400390625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99242, 12, 9, '[0,[4225.6323242188,1788.2446289062,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99243, 58473, 9, '[244,[11949.2,5844.9,0.001]]', 'HMMWV M2 Echede', '0.800', NULL),
(99244, 38, 9, '[307,[11828.5,5667.84,0.001]]', 'Golf Echede', '0.800', NULL),
(99245, 41, 9, '[160,[11688.4,5760.13,0.001]]', 'Golf TK Echede', '0.800', NULL),
(99246, 21031, 9, '[53,[2544.12,10561,0.001]]', 'Merlin Castle', '0.250', NULL),
(99247, 11913, 9, '[124,[2504.58,10575.9,0.001]]', 'GazelleDPM Castle', '0.400', NULL),
(99248, 42, 9, '[244,[2707.83,4055.64,0.001]]', 'Lada River', '0.800', NULL),
(99249, 44, 9, '[265,[2646.94,4050.88,0.001]]', 'Lada2 River', '0.800', NULL),
(99250, 46, 9, '[215,[2713.74,3998.7,0.001]]', 'Lada5 River', '0.800', NULL),
(99251, 34921, 9, '[281,[5699.88,4212.13,0.001]]', 'Red Truck Gun River', '0.500', NULL),
(99252, 45, 9, '[278,[5674.87,4256.62,0.001]]', 'Lada 4 Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99253, 42, 9, '[227,[5738.28,4195.36,0.001]]', 'Golf Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99254, 107, 9, '[14,[5531.11,3958.7,0.251]]', 'SUV Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99255, 38, 9, '[47,[5512.09,3961.18,0.251]]', 'Golf Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99256, 38, 9, '[232,[5792.36,4007.45,0.001]]', 'Golf Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99257, 16, 9, '[309,[5783.22,4015.06,0.001]]', 'Truck Winsen', '0.800', NULL),
(99258, 34921, 9, '[264,[5759,3941.93,0.001]]', 'Red Gun Truck', '0.400', NULL),
(99259, 33, 9, '[50,[8287.63,2447.8,0.001]]', 'LandRover on Water', '0.800', NULL),
(99260, 40, 9, '[299,[8282.74,2679.27,0.001]]', 'Golf Store River', '0.800', NULL),
(99261, 21, 9, '[75,[8349.8,2722.61,0.001]]', 'V3S River', '0.600', NULL),
(99262, 16, 9, '[56,[8355.09,2708.05,0.001]]', 'Helix Near Celle River', '0.800', NULL),
(99263, 45, 9, '[159,[8523.74,2584.57,0.001]]', 'Lada on road', '0.800', NULL),
(99264, 41, 9, '[176,[8655.62,2643.14,0.001]]', 'Golf Garage', '0.800', NULL),
(99265, 65535, 9, '[339,[8928.32,2505.18,0.001]]', 'LandRover Special Celle Bridge', '0.400', NULL),
(99266, 43, 9, '[89,[8879.39,2154.27,0.001]]', 'Lada in Celle', '0.800', NULL),
(99267, 106, 9, '[101,[9062.97,2127.95,0.001]]', 'HUMMWV Celle', '0.400', NULL),
(99269, 50729, 9, '[0,[8593.3935546875,3169.5922851562,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99270, 50729, 9, '[0,[1515.48828125,5261.1328125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99271, 50729, 9, '[0,[6956.796875,7339.16015625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99272, 50729, 9, '[0,[7039.3774414062,2532.9711914062,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99273, 50729, 9, '[0,[8923.7158203125,2776.2084960938,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99274, 50729, 9, '[0,[4413.3154296875,5529.8950195312,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99275, 50729, 9, '[0,[5871.2377929688,4711.5966796875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99276, 50729, 9, '[0,[11184.921875,4372.265625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99277, 50729, 9, '[0,[6917.7587890625,8372.16796875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99278, 50729, 9, '[0,[8335.1416015625,6360.205078125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99279, 50729, 9, '[0,[7647.470703125,1732.6904296875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99280, 41731, 9, '[0,[7258.5913085938,11417.138671875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99281, 40367, 9, '[0,[4111.5209960938,9122.900390625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99282, 40367, 9, '[0,[3570.9936523438,6561.4013671875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99283, 16367, 9, '[0,[7345.6762695312,9624.3896484375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99284, 16367, 9, '[0,[7560.3857421875,1109.5825195312,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99285, 16367, 9, '[0,[9263.046875,4037.4389648438,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99286, 50729, 9, '[0,[8800.595703125,3948.8525390625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99287, 50729, 9, '[0,[6203.0615234375,5755.1147460938,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99288, 50729, 9, '[0,[6257.1142578125,7210.0341796875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99289, 49268, 9, '[0,[3872.7880859375,6525.3662109375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99290, 27074, 9, '[0,[4182.08984375,5321.19140625,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99291, 11894, 9, '[0,[6892.2338867188,6627.4658203125,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99292, 11894, 9, '[0,[9102.3901367188,8672.4609375,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99293, 11894, 9, '[0,[2396.8481445312,7140.966796875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99294, 11894, 9, '[0,[10893.637695312,800.28076171875,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99295, 11894, 9, '[0,[11878.598632812,2403.8452148438,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99296, 41731, 9, '[0,[9245.029296875,4923.3032226562,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL),
(99297, 41731, 9, '[0,[10548.30078125,5959.3139648438,0]]', NULL, '0.800', NULL);
Not every gun here is used in Celle but a majority of them are, Please enjoy!
-Got this info from Graz Changelog but added it here for easier access.

RH_deagle -- 7Rnd_50_AE
RH_Deagleg -- 7Rnd_50_AE
RH_Deagles -- 7Rnd_50_AE
RH_mk22 -- 8Rnd_9x19_Mk
RH_mk22sd -- 8Rnd_9x19_Mksd
RH_mk22v -- 8Rnd_9x19_Mk
RH_mk22vsd -- 8Rnd_9x19_Mksd
RH_usp -- 15Rnd_9x19_usp
RH_uspsd -- 15Rnd_9x19_uspsd
RH_uspm -- 12Rnd_45cal_usp
RH_m1911 -- 8Rnd_45cal_m1911
RH_m1911sd -- 8Rnd_45cal_m1911
RH_m1911old -- 8Rnd_45cal_m1911
RH_m93r -- 20Rnd_9x19_M93
RH_m9 -- 15Rnd_9x19_M9
RH_m9sd -- 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD
RH_g17 -- 17Rnd_9x19_g17
RH_g18 -- 19Rnd_9x19_g18 , 33Rnd_9x19_g18
RH_mk2 -- 10Rnd_22LR_mk2
RH_tt33 -- 8Rnd_762_tt33
RH_vz61 -- 20Rnd_32cal_vz61
RH_tec9 -- 30Rnd_9x19_tec
RH_muzi -- 32Rnd_9x19_Muzi
RH_ppk -- 7Rnd_32cal_ppk
RH_p38 -- 8Rnd_9x19_p38
RH_p226 -- 15Rnd_9x19_usp
RH_p226s -- 15Rnd_9x19_usp
Snajdan posted this in another thread - Skin Names. NO clue if this is all of them but it is definitely a lot. To have people spawn with skins it is just best to put them into their inventory with a custom loadout. Having them spawn as a particular skin doesn't work on this map like it does on Chernarus unfortunately.
**Not All of These can but put in inventories. Some are NON SPAWNING which means you have to set using database**

"BAF_Heavy2_DZC", <--- No name after skin @ inventar
"BAF_Heavy3_DZC", <--- same as for heavy2
"SurvivorW2_DZ", <-- u can get this skin @ database, but after changing clothes u will get a female skin package anf wearing this again will teleporting you to the left bottom corner or the other debug zone..... ( happens with clan skinz and a few others too )
Hey, thanks for putting this all together. I been slowly working on this myself and was going to post a similar thing. If you need any help give me a shout. Also do you have any idea about why the broken leg bug happens?

What would I have to do to change the threshold for someone becoming a bandit/hero or thirst/hunger speeds?

Would it be as simple as changing the things in the player spawn 2 or will it require a few other things?
it is rather easily actually and based on frankys scripts we could probably add in more morphs. its really just a math problem to determine what skin the get. if you want we can go over it this evening or tomorrow evening when i'm off work. i'll show you the script and where to change the variables. at the moment i believe... its -2000 bandit and +5000 hero. hunger speeds are in there as well i think.. i'll have to double check. i do like the ones set in celle though they seem to be faster than chernarus meaning you need to eat and drink more. makes it harder which is what i go for on my server.
Aye, I'm also trying to make things harder on my players.

Ideally - I'd make it so that you have to drink more often (Also i'm working on a new loot table to take out lots of the OP rifles that have been added.. not to mention basically removing soda/canned food from the table)

I kinda of what hunting to be a big part of the game and going to fresh water sources.

Also for a few of the buildings that don't spawn loot - you just have to change their building names... Basically the MAP_ types do not spawn loot but look exactly the same as the regular ones.... So for construction sites and a few smaller industrial places, the hospital and a couple other buildings you have to change it to the Land_ type that is used in all other maps.

I'd also like to take big animals out of the game, or at least reduce their spawn rates, I'm much more interested in small game being the source of food.

Also, more morphs sounds awesome... Get people to drive up their humanity or lower it... Gives them something to achieve while dying of thirst.. ehheeh.
Clavicus Could you be more specific on what I need to do to edit the INIT I edited it and put the Database Username from DayZ.st but it didn't work.
I unpacked the Missions.pbo extracted the INIT.sqf and edited with Notepad++ then repacked the pbo and added it to the server. save and restart
This is my edited Line 9 or the INIT.sqf
dayZ_instance = bliss_XXXX;

This is my first attempt and editing a .pbo so i am almost totally lost. The server hangs at authentication and no one can enter. As I said, I am using DayZ.st host and I am unsure if it's the Dm username or what i am supposed to enter on line 9.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
It worked. thanks Clavicus.
I noticed the "lock to First person in aircraft" part of the INIT.sqf file. Can I disable that easily? It seems to be the #1 complaint on my server so far. My server is just personal friends/family for now and Passworded. I plan on whitelisting it and having team combat and team vs team events once I can get custom spawns by unique ID figured out. So much to learn and so little time.
Remove this:

//1st person lock in Air Vehicles
if (!isDedicated) then
    0 spawn
        while {true} do
            if((cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP") && (vehicle player isKindOf "Air")) then
                vehicle player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText["This type of vehicle is 1st Person only!!", "PLAIN DOWN", 5]
        sleep 0.1;
Yep that is 48 - 62 on my file. i guess it might not be on everyones. Thanks Manatee.
It sucks being a noob at this but at least the community is nice enough to help out and answer questions in most cases.
I'm a total noob, I only started learning how things function and how they are all connected... mm sometime in January?

We all have to start somewhere, people have helped me in many ways, and now I pass whatever little I've learned towards those who are also trying to learn. This is a good community.
It worked. thanks Clavicus.
I noticed the "lock to First person in aircraft" part of the INIT.sqf file. Can I disable that easily? It seems to be the #1 complaint on my server so far. My server is just personal friends/family for now and Passworded. I plan on whitelisting it and having team combat and team vs team events once I can get custom spawns by unique ID figured out. So much to learn and so little time.
i cannot say for sure, please compare your default INIT or a default from another map. or use manatees suggestion here