chopper crash reports.


I have this code.

_satchels_x = getpos _crashwreck select 0;
_satchels_y = getpos _crashwreck select 1;
_str = (format["Were going down... near at [ %1,%2 ]", _satchels_x, (14000-_satchels_y)]);
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;
wondering where does the up y start is it 14000 or 13000 , I am trying to flip the y, so that when it shows to players, they can open their map and nav to it, at the moment the y starts at the bottom of the map and goes up, instead of down like the map in game.
I have made it a different way... i am using the live crashsite script written by grafzahl, and when a chopper crashes there will be played a SOS Sound, and a rhint will show up the grid references in the right corner of the screen
//now comes felix crash report
//play radiosound SOS
//Trigger with this and nul = [_helipilot,"sound1"] call fn_netSay3D;
[_helipilot,nil,rEXECVM,"sounds\call.sqf"] call RE;
//hint to all clients with grid location
_message = parseText format["<br/><t color='#ffff00' size='1.9'>////////////////////recieved///////radio-signal//////////////////  %1 Pilot    transmitted  !!!! SOS !!!!  from last known  grid position  %2 </t>", _crashName, str(mapGridPosition _crashwreck)];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_message] call RE;

Is this what u are searching for??