chopper parts ID


does anyone have the correct ID for the chopper parts? iv been trying to spawn them in all broken but i keep getting errors or they dont load due to im getting the part ID wrong.

does anyone have the correct ID for the chopper parts? iv been trying to spawn them in all broken but i keep getting errors or they dont load due to im getting the part ID wrong.

I am probably confused on what you mean by Chopper part's ID. If you mean
hit selections
then in the parts column you just need a
+ damage column to have a value of
to have it fully repaired.

to have it have a broken engine you can throw in
in your parts column.
[["motor",1],["elektronika",1],["mala vrtule",1],["velka vrtule",1]]

so this here, should spawn it in all wrecked?
Did we not have to repair glass on the hueys in the past? I entered an AH6J in my data base just using the same parts as the bliss db huey with no mention of glass anywhere in the db . Per the official db, one would still need up to a total of 9 pieces of glass unless that has changed as well. Just curious.

In the interim, I looked up the parts for the AH6J for Arma and the only parts in common were motor, elektronika, mala vrtule, and velka vrtule with the db listing them w/o the '()' (motor,elektronika,mala vrtule,velka vrtule). It works on my server and didn't want to feel as if I was getting away with something by making it so easy to repair. I know, I know...I can adjust the variables.

rambling red

Edit: Just verified that there are indeed no glass parts per the vehicle(dot)pl looking how it generated the damage to the various parts. There is no indicator (at least that I found) in regards to damage to glass. So I guess as one repairs said vehicle the perceived damage to the glass is 'repaired' as the hull is repaired. Then I wonder what is the use of having glass panels spawn at all? I have yet to use one and per my db, not one vehicle spawned with glass damage.

carrying on, pip pip and all that