Civilian server 2.0


Well-Known Member

I tried several times to make a 2.0 server but I'm always blocked at "waiting for server to start autentication"...
I have nothing in the DB but it is well configurated in the hive file. so I'm quite disapointed at this time ! I d'ont know what to do after a few hours trying to make it work.

I don't know if it is related but I found this in the RPT :
21:44:41 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
21:44:41 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

Is this normal ???

Moreover, another issue is that I'm not able to add a password to my server, it is saying that I have the wrong password. Deleting it in .cfg is granting me the good access. Do you know what the issue is ?
One more thing : I've tested the files from all topics and those from official release topic are making an error when trying to connect to the official EU server (wrong version).
So I'm using the good client files.
I have the good server files.
I used the hotfix.

But with that :
- on my server I have the "waiting for server to start autentication" issue
- on EU and US server I have the "wrong mod version issue"

So I think I have an issue with client files... But I downloaded it many times without any success. Do someone else have this issue ?
Ill try to make a Howto install the server from scratch:

- full installation of Arma2 and Arma2 OA and started both once on the server.
- Copy the contens from ARMA2\Addons directory into Arma2 OA\Addons directory
- Install a mysql server ( and configure it.
- Install a mysql client (eg HeidiSQL freeware)
- Install Notepad++ (freeware)
- Download Client files from DayzCommander
- Download (Server Files) and unpack the contents


1) Open your SQL Client, connect as root and create a user dayz with a password of your choice (if you have already a user skip to step 2)
2) Create a database (eg dayz_civilian) and assign the user dayz full rights on it
3) open the SQL file from SQL folder and import it to the newly created database (as root!)
4) copy the folder @CivilianHive to your Arma2 OA Folder
5) copy the .dll files from the server package to your Arma2 OA Folder
6) copy the folder "dayz_1.Chernarus" (attention, there is a 2nd one with lowercase name) from MPMissions to your Arma2 OA \MPMissions folder and rename it to dayz_1.Civilian (if you have more servers running from the same directoy this makes it easier)
7) copy the folder cfgdayz to your Arma2 OA Directory
8) copy the contens of Keys Folder to your Arma2 OA\Keys folder


open folder cfgdayz
- edit HiveExt.ini to match your Database settings (user password and dbname) and your preferred time settings (Hint: 09.01.2012 is a nice half-moon date giving a not to bright night)
- edit server.cfg to fit your needs and change class Missions to
template = dayz_1.Civilian
(or to whatever you named the folder in MPMissions)

Startup Script example (this script assumes you have a local installed mysql-server installed on c: drive):

@echo off
taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe
ping -n 3 >NUL
echo -----------------------------
Echo Running vehicle spawn script
echo -----------------------------
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe" -udayz -pCHANGEME --database=dayz_civilian --execute="call pMain();"
echo -----------------------------
echo Starting Dayz Servers
echo -----------------------------
start .\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion;ca;@CivilianHive;@Dayz_Civilian -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=chernarus -port=XXXX -maxmem=2048 -cpuCount=4 -winxp -nosplash -noPause -noSound - skipIntro -noCB

Have questions / need help ? please add me in skype "Sharkking" (Bavaria)
So I'm using the good client files.
I have the good server files.
I used the hotfix.

But with that :
- on my server I have the "waiting for server to start autentication" issue
- on EU and US server I have the "wrong mod version issue"

So I think I have an issue with client files... But I downloaded it many times without any success. Do someone else have this issue ?
please check if you named your folder @Dayz_Civilian on the Client. Probably it was @DayzCivilian in the Download
FAO devs:
You might want to edit your extra building script or calling sqf... and add if (isServer) etc since some (maybe all) the buildings are duplicating on the client.
Lol thanks for the install guide but it was not necessary ;)

For the wrong mod version, I solved it : I ony forget to update to 103718... I need some holidays !!
I have well @Dayz_Civilian.

For the server, I used an already existing install, I will make it from scratch.
FAO devs:
You might want to edit your extra building script or calling sqf... and add if (isServer) etc since some (maybe all) the buildings are duplicating on the client.

thanks, but it was a problem of calling server_monitor twice. We were able to fix it (links in the server howto have been updated)