Config.cpp replacement or editing


Well-Known Member
Tried this in Pwnozor thread, figured I'd try here since I got no responses.

Has anyone successfully edited config.cpp and got it to load in their mission file? I know Bliss can apparently do it, since their standard servers allow starting equipment replacement.

I am loading files through the init.sqf file for weather, zombie spawns, etc. I tried to do the same with config.cpp, but my Hivedebug fails to start, and even though the server says started, I lock up and cannot get through the connection process.

I admit, I can't read/write script very well, just what I've learned running Pwnozor/Anti Rocket for four months.

Here's what's in my init.sqf:

config.cpp = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Fixes\config.cpp";

Server with that in does not let me load in.