Custom buildings double spawning

I have been adding Custom Buildings to my server using the mission editor and script method but i noticed when i restart theres a duplicate of the same building in the same exact spot. Does anybody know what im doing wrong? or how to fix this problem?

EDIT:my vehicles are also double spawning i did check my limit max vehicle count


If you use the editor, you probably merge the maps or not?
If so, you probably merged the old buildings on top of the new buildings. Creating double buildings, double doors etc.

Simply remove each and every building once in the editor when you've merged them. It should appear as a light orange colour instead of the bright orange colour.
I dont merge maps i make a building file for whatever area im working on take the center unit and group out of the .sqf
Then i put a "[] execVM "Bases\admin_base_0.sqf"; in the bottom of my init.sqf and put the buildings in my MPmission file
I don't get the idea of changing stuff in your Init.sqf just for some custom buildings. You can either enter them in the database, or you could place them inside the mission.sqm, which is done by merging your mission.sqm with your saved file that contains whatever you want to add. There should be topics about that on this forum.

I personally choose mission over anything, since any script or custom thing will create desync lol.
But even if i do add it through my mission.sqm wont it still double spawn? and how would i merge a script(sqf) into a .sqm file
You can save your edited map as a single mission and convert the .biedi to a mission.sqm using a converter.

You can download it at i suppose.

Then start up multiplayer in Arma/Dayz and select a new game. Select your map i.e. Chernarus and then load up the current mission.sqm which your server runs and merge it with your newly saved custom map. Save that as a multiplayer mission again. That will be your new mission.sqm with the new buildings.
this didnt work when i put it in my building .sqfs the buildings didnt show up at all in game. i put it in excatly like this
if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_0 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["GLT_LHD", [12060.057, -1287.5459, -0.061387181], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_0 = _this;
  _this setPos [12060.057, -1287.5459, -0.061387181];
this didnt work when i put it in my building .sqfs the buildings didnt show up at all in game. i put it in excatly like this
if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_0 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["GLT_LHD", [12060.057, -1287.5459, -0.061387181], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_0 = _this;
  _this setPos [12060.057, -1287.5459, -0.061387181];

Because at the bottom of the .sqf you have to have a closing bracket also...


if (isServer) then { <-----opening bracket


}; <---- Closing bracket