custom day/night cycles


how do i got about making a short night cycle? Cause right now I am running a 24/7 day time server but would love to put a 2 hour night time in there.
what I did to get "some dark" on my servers was to have the time start at about an hour before sunrise each server restart. That way there is an hour of dark.. then sunrise.. and the rest of the time its day light. They restart every 8 hours, so it is like there are 3 "game days" in a real day that way... and still some opportunities to use night equipment that way.
I fixed this in the HiveExt.ini file. First section. The default is below.

;Possible values: Local, Static
Type = Local
;If using Static type, the year/month/date to set the date to
;Year = 2012
;Month = 1
;Date = 1
Which for me, being full on Winter locally, meant a late dawn (9 ish if I recall) and an early sunset (5 ish). I switched my Date information to tell the server that it was Summer time and Dawn changed to 6 ish and Sunset closer to 9 if I recall.

;Possible values: Local, Static
Type = Static
;If using Static type, the year/month/date to set the date to
Year = 2012
Month = 7
Date = 1

Now I still get the 24 hour cycle, but Dawn and Sunset are closer to Summer times. Short night, long day. Hope that helps.