Custom Loadout for Donators


Hey people I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, I hope so.

How do I go about setting up a custom loadout for donators? I've googled my face off and can't find out how to do it for a custom setup hive on a dedi box. I imagine thats all I'd need to know as I have all the same access to my server as someone would to a dedibox though I'm going through hosting.

I have full ftp access, full database access and full mission file access.

So all I simply want to do is utilize custom loadouts for donators. Everything I've found has been for bliss hives which must have all the triggers or what ever it is I need to do in place and people just fillout the inventory/backpack strings but I need to config my database to do this manually I guess.

Am I right in thinking all I need is database access to do this?

Thanks in advance
Make your custom_loadout profile in the DB.
Get your donators unique ID and add it in the cust_loadout_profile, and add the ID from custom_loadout

Enjoy ;)
So I just make a table called custom_loadout and cust_loadout_profile?

I'm really newb to this custom loadout thing. There are alot of fields.. like foreign keys, triggers, ect.. I'm a little confused!

Also do I need to do anything in the mission file at all?
You can take back your "Your welcome" You gave him a DayZ.ST answer, to an Epoch question. Completely unhelpful

As to the problem, The maker of Epoch has stated many times that Version 1.0.1 will include a custom loadout option. Since Is now out, he has backtracked to saying 1.0.2 So basically unless you find a brand spanking new solution, your FUBARED just like me.
Its actually easy enough to do with the "999" code on the hive access. You just need to make the changes to server_playerSetup.sqf to allow it to read the needed data from the database.
Its actually easy enough to do with the "999" code on the hive access. You just need to make the changes to server_playerSetup.sqf to allow it to read the needed data from the database.

Please could you explain how to do that? :confused: