Custom Logo


Seen a few people asking how to do this spent a few hours figuring it out this morning.

1. First you will need to unpack your Mission file.
2. In the folder look for description.ext
3. At the very top on first line you want to put
loadScreen = "loading.jpg";

4. Then you need to make your logo, it has to be 1024 x 512(to keep file size small) or it will not work, I have mine as a jpeg not sure if others work.
5. Save the logo in your misson folder(dayz_1.chernarus) and name the file loading
6. Pack it up and upload

Any problems just post and ill see if i can help.
It doesn't have to be 2046 x 1024 - actually, I'm going to assume that was a typo and you were suggesting 2048x1024. It works best 2:1 or 1:1, and no bigger than 2048x2048. Otherwise, great tip - we need a section or wiki to just collect simple little things like this.