custom markers ? help


im trying to add x2 custom markers to map

at coordinates

[253,[5200.49,2360.34,0.001]] <---world coordinates (database) at balota near industrial part
[128,[3723.73,14494.9,0.001]] <---- world coordinates (database) at misty peaks

not sure how i do it with coordinates

balota as an example 5200.49,2360.34,0.001 to 5200.0.001,49,2360.34 ?
and then put in mission.sqm
for future use you can do the below to add markers to your map easliy and control almost any aspect of your marker

create a sqf (ill call it MyMarker.sqf)
//My custom Marker
_mypos = [5200.49,2360.34,0.001]; //coords where marker should appear
            _marker = createMarker ["heliCrashsite", _mypos]; // create marker ["MARKER NAME", postion of marker]
            _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; //set marker shape
            _marker setMarkerBrush "GRID";//marker style (grid, solid,etc)
            _marker setMarkerType "Vehicle"; //set type of marker (google for ones that can be used in dayz)
            _marker setMarkerText "MYMARKER!"; //set text of marker
            _marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; // set color of marker
_marker setMarkerSize [100, 200]; // 100 is width, 200 is height

then in your init call the script like so
[]execVM "MyMarker.sqf";

to elaborate a bit you
coul d change the markers Shape,size,text,etc by using the var _marker
eg change marker shape after 30 seconds

create new script (ill call it ChangeMyMarker.sqf)
//change my custom marker

sleep 30;// wait 30 seconds before applying change
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; // set new color
_marker setMarkerText "CHANGED MARKER"; //set text of marker
then you can either call the change from init or from inside your "MyMarker.sqf"
just add this at the end of either file
[]execVM "ChangeMyMarker.sqf";

its quick easy and very effective, it also lets you control your marker and how it behaves in game