DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

paste this at the end of your init.sqf (mpmission)
if (!isDedicated) then
    while {true} do {
        //hint str(typeof player);
            if ( (typeof(_x) isKindOf "Bag_Base_EP1") and (_x getVariable ["Dupe", true]) ) then
                _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof(_x) >> "displayName");
                _x removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
                _x setVariable ["Dupe", false];
                s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"), _name], "custom\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
        } foreach (position player nearObjects 50);
        sleep 2;

Then, make a custom folder and put your modified object_pickup.sqf in that folder

No more anti-Dupe

This seems to be working for me I just missed the 'and put your modified object_pickup.sqf in that folder'
I dont know which files to paste into the main pbo, and what to name it. Any help anyone would be appreciated. I spawned in tires, and It seems I cannot pick some of em up with this ANTI DUPE on.
I dont know which files to paste into the main pbo, and what to name it. Any help anyone would be appreciated. I spawned in tires, and It seems I cannot pick some of em up with this ANTI DUPE on.

1. Paste Hangender's code at the end of your init.sqf file, which is in your mission.pbo (dayz_1.pbo or something similiar).

2.Make a folder in your mission.pbo named custom.

3. Go to dayz_code.pbo/actions/object_pickup.sqf (which should be in arma2oa/@dayz/addons) and drag that into a folder in your mission.pbo .

skip step 4 if you name the folder you place it in custom.

4. In the code Hangender posted you see this line
s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"), _name], "custom\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
replace custom with whatever the name of the folder is that you put it in.

FYI I started all of this about a week ago, so I'm sorry if I'm a little off about something. :)
also it seems this doesn't stop all the anti-dupe. As people coulnt pick up car parts today... Engine specifically! So is this being called in other places as well? or freak accident...

if (!isDedicated) then
    [] spawn
        canPickup = true;
        while {true} do
            canPickup = true;
            waitUntil {(!canPickup)};
            canPickup = true;
    [] spawn
        while {true} do {
                if ((typeof _x) isKindOf "Bag_Base_EP1") then
                    _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof(_x) >> "displayName");
                    _x removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
                    s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"), _name], "custom\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
            } foreach (position player nearObjects 5);
            sleep 1;

maybe this is enough -> (dont have to make a custom object_pickup.sqf i guess)

if (!isDedicated) then
    [] spawn
        canPickup = true;
        while {true} do
            canPickup = true;
            waitUntil {(!canPickup)};
            canPickup = true;
    [] spawn
        while {true} do {
                if ((typeof _x) isKindOf "Bag_Base_EP1") then
                    _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof(_x) >> "displayName");
                    _x removeAction s_player_holderPickup;
                    s_player_holderPickup = _x addAction [format[(localize "str_init_take"),_name], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf",["CfgVehicles",typeof(_x),_x], 20, true, true];
            } foreach (position player nearObjects 5);
            sleep 1;
Does the following have to be changed in the object_pickup.sqf

if (!canPickup) exitwith {
    if (pickupInit) then {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You must wait to pickup this item!","PLAIN DOWN"]
    } else {
        cutText ["[ANTI-DUPE] You may only pickup one item at a time!","PLAIN DOWN"]
Use infistars fix, i don't remember if i edited that out or not, I'll check when I get off work but I know Im not plagued by that antidupe shit no more.
Dont change object_pickup.sqf, just copy it from dayz_codes pbo to the fixes folder in mission pbo.
Use infistars fix in your init,sqf at the very bottom in your mission pbo.

If this doesnt work for you, you can try removing the ANTIDUPE Code which you post earlier, it may work. but with infistars codes it overrides that so it shouldn't matter.
tried it both ways....still haunted by anit dupe . Ive had issues with backpacks, tents, jerycans, everything .Really sux.
This worked perfect for me - thank you to all :)

Edit: Perfect is too strong a word. This only works for items that you drop and try to pickup again. It does not work for items that are randomly found.
Oh my god!!! Has anyone been able to work around this stupid Anti-dupe! I am pulling my hair out. Why would the developers, after realising how broken it is, not fix it yet, it has been ages.

I have tried many things and none of them working although I have an idea but don't know how to implement them. If it says the player needs to wait - where is the waiting time and how do we reduce it?
ok it helps a lil (the version of InfiStar) now my players can take a bp with a 50% chance... (and other stuff) but it is still buggy... is there now way to fix it? or deactivate it?
And the anti-dupe still remains. I posted it to the Dayz dev team as a bug report but they haven't updated their bug reports page since 2012. I am considering scrapping Dayz altogether now as my server is almost unplayable with this anti-dupe :-(
Anyone figure this anti-dupe out yet?

I never figured it out. I had to place ammo boxes all around the map and use custom loot to remove the anti-dupe items.

I did however upgrade to 1.8 and it has made a massive change. The game looks and feels better and the anti-dupe is totally gone.