DayZ AI Missions Ammo Crates


New Member
So I installed ai missions and it works and everything, when we complete the mission there is no ammo crates but the cars do spawn. Im thinking its something to to due with the BattleEye Filter, so is there there a way to fix or help this problem im having.

What version of DayZ are you using ?
There is a fix in the forums here for 1.7.7 involving adding the crate types to the list of legal objects. On older versions of Epoch (1.02.5), using the Sarge variable worked. With Epoch 1.0.3 assigning the Permaloot variable to true has ensured that crates stay. If you look in the Epoch mission systems WAI or EMS you can see examples of the code used. I can also send you an example if you like.
I am by no means and expert on this, but the following code has worked for me on Epoch I have a mission system that spawns crates in using scripts run from my server.pbo. I learned how to get them to persist from the approache used by Wicked AI and Epoch Mission systems. this may work if you spawn the crate in from the mission.pbo as well but I have not tested this out. You can see examples of the code at:

I spawn my crates with:
_crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox_EP1",_coords,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
[_crate] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIMissions\misc\fillBoxes.sqf";
//_crate setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
_crate setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
I hope this helps.