Dayz Blade Runner New server

Sugar Shane

New Member
Hello im here today to get the word out on my Server DayzBladeRunner its a private server with a maxium of 50 players its located out of Washington DC we have custom scripts as well
  1. Auto Refuel
  2. AI Bandits/survivors
  3. Self Bloodbag (for those lonewolf types)
  4. Vehicle tow/heli lift
  5. Vehicle Salvage (take a part from a vehicle to fix your own)
  6. Full Moon Script
  7. 200+ vehicle
  8. 15+ flyable vehicles​
  9. Custom heli crashes (spawn within a 1500m radius)
In the future we will be adding a trading post and custom buildings the server has only been up for about 3 weeks IP check us out​
Active Admins!!!!!​