DayZ Dual Admin Debug Monitor


in text this means
(my restart schedule in minutes MINUS (how long the server has been running DIVIDED BY the number of seconds in a minute))

This gets you VERY close to the amount of remaining time to next restart. I can't do anything about the decimal points.

found a solution to the decimal problem

(240-(round(serverTime / 60)))
Hey can anyone help me? I keep getting this error in my client.rpt
Error in expression <eof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
  Error position: <];};};>
  Error Missing [
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\playerstats.sqf, line 83
Error in expression <eof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
  Error position: <];};};>
  Error Missing [
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\playerstats.sqf, line 83
Ok so I deleted the ] on line 83 and now I get
Error in expression <eof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
  Error position: <;};};>
  Error Invalid number in expression
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\playerstats.sqf, line 83
Error in expression <eof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
  Error position: <;};};>
  Error Invalid number in expression
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\playerstats.sqf, line 83
how bout copy ur whole file into here so we can see, i dont really know how to read editor error language. i just go to that line area and look for mistakes in code.
Ok here it is:
//Let Zeds know
[player,4,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
Change the UID's below to match those of you and your admin(s)
Your admins will get the advanced version of your debug monitor,
while your regular users will get the cut down version.
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["All my unique ID's are belongs to me"]) then {
    while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {
      hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >[%18]</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>[FPS: %10]</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#FFBF00'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >Players: %8</t><t size='0.95 'font='Bitstream' align='right'>Within 500m: %11</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >Vehicles:</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%13(%14)</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Air: %16</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>Sea: %23</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >All Bikes: %15</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream'align='right'>Cars: %17</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >Zombies (alive/total): </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%20(%19)</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Headshots: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Murders: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Humanity: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Blood: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%9</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >GPS: %22</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>DIR: %24</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95'font='Bitstream'align='center' >%21</t><br/>",
    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    (count playableUnits),
    (round diag_fps),
    (({isPlayer _x} count (getPos vehicle player nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 500]))-1),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["StaticWeapon","Car","Motorcycle","Tank","Air","Ship"],25000])),
    count vehicles,
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Motorcycle"],25000])),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Air"],25000])),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Car"],25000])),
    (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    (getPosASL player),
    (mapGridPosition getPos player),
    (count([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["Ship"],25000])),
    (round(getDir player))
} else {
while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {
hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#00CC00'>%1</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='center' >[%11]</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='center' color='#FFCC00'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Murders: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%10</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>UK 431 Noobs Playground</t><br/>",
    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'displayName')),
I added the player count to the player menu, but it always comes out as 1, but my menu shows the number correctly. Odd.
Am running DayZ 2017 - my compiles.sqf seems a bit different...would it be possible to list specific additions (if not too many) that I could edit in to my version, so that I don't clobber some 2017 functionality by using your included compiles.sqf?
UrbanSkaters, great stuff! Gave me a lot of ideas about custom monitor. 2 problems, kowever:

1. link in your sig leads to "page not found" 404
2. I can't get it to work in a TOOGLE way, it pops up for 10 sec without refreshing itself. Does it need a line:

while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

to be auto-refreshing?
UrbanSkaters, great stuff! Gave me a lot of ideas about custom monitor. 2 problems, kowever:

1. link in your sig leads to "page not found" 404
2. I can't get it to work in a TOOGLE way, it pops up for 10 sec without refreshing itself. Does it need a line:

while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

to be auto-refreshing?

2. Change log for V1.2
[ADDED] ON/OFF function for Trigger version, simply press the hotkey to turn it on and off respectively.
[DISCONTINUED] I will no longer be supporting or updating the Always on Version.
Has anyone tried this on Chernarus Epoch? I will try it when I grt home in 10hrs, but wanted to first see if anyone has gotten it to work, and if there any tweaks to be made.
Hi UrbanSkaters,
I'm trying to get your script running on DayZ.ST map.

I've gone over a few times and made sure I've followed the directions from the OP. I've gotten quite a few scripts working, but I cannot get yours to display correctly, either in admin mode, or regular mode.

Here is the error from the report file:

Error in expression <["42432710"]) then {

while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

hintSilent pars>
Error position: <hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

hintSilent pars>
Error Undefined variable in expression: hotkey_hitme
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tavi\debug\playerstats.sqf, line 12
Error in expression <["42432710"]) then {

while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

hintSilent pars>
Error position: <hotkey_hitme == 1} do {

hintSilent pars>
Error Undefined variable in expression: hotkey_hitme
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tavi\debug\playerstats.sqf, line 12

Here are the first 15 lines of the playerstats.sqf

1 //Let Zeds know
2 [player,4,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
4 /*
5 Change the UID's below to match those of you and your admin(s)
6 Your admins will get the advanced version of your debug monitor,
7 while your regular users will get the cut down version.
8 */
10 if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["42432710"]) then {
12while {sleep 0.1;hotkey_hitme == 1} do {
14 hintSilent parseText format ["
15<t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='left' >[%18]</t><t size='0.95' font='Bitstream' align='right'>[FPS: %10]</t><br/>

Thanks for your help!
Can anyone who has this working on Taviana post their mission.pbo?

Would really be appreciated, thanks!
i cant seem to get it going eather but if i do i will let you know. he has a compiles from dayz version that he wants us to use but since taviana runs it makes it hard to add.
i cant seem to get it going eather but if i do i will let you know. he has a compiles from dayz version that he wants us to use but since taviana runs it makes it hard to add.
Check the OP again, there was an error that he found. Should help get us going back towards getting it working on Tavi. He's updated the files.
Keep us updated as it'll be several hours before I get home to try out the fix.
The code fix provided works 100% as is.
Taviana DayZ.ST working perfectly out of the box, no changes needed (other than input of your PID).

Thanks US, you ROCK!
Has anyone been able to get this working with Hangender's anti hack?

The anti hack already has the r_player_blood exception in line 297 but it still doesn't work at all.