DayZ Epoch Animated helicrash issue


New Member

I'm not sure if this issue has been posted before, sorry if it has, but i could find it by searching.
My problem is that i have installed this animated helicrash for DayZ Epoch:
It seems to be running fine. But the problem is that the server cleanup kills the pilot about 6 seconds after the heli spawning. How can i fix this?

Log from server RPT:
18:30:01 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2013,11,24,14,30]"
18:30:02 "CRASHSPAWNER: 58.0972% chance to start a crashing UH-1Y with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:02 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1Y started flying from [3461.92,5021.77,0] to [7445.53,9425.98] NOW!(TIME:716||LT:HeliCrash)"
18:30:04 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Kayla Mitchell C 1-1-B:1 IN UH1Y_DZE"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1Y just exploded at [3474.36,5019.53,-0.495041]!, "
18:30:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
18:30:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
18:30:08 UH1Wreck_DZ: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3471.55,5024.06,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3475.75,5015.21,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3468.96,5016.24,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3471.41,5016.03,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3479.56,5021.44,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
18:30:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[3473.14,5014.6,0]' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"

In advance; thanks for your help!
I don't use SargeAI or DAYZAI, so I just commented it that part in the dayz_epoch\server\server_cleanup.fsm
"//Check for hackers" \n
      "// {" \n
      "//    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n
      "//        diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
      "//        (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
      "//        _x setDamage 1;" \n
      "//    };" \n
      "// } forEach allUnits;" \n
      "" \n

I know there is a better way, but have been unable to find one that works, maybe because I dont run Sarge's AI or DAYZAI...

If anyone can provide a better way, plzz do, and I'll test it out and use if it works

Sorry i forgot to thank you. It is working now, i would have hoped for a solution not involving disabling the whole thing. But whatever, probably isn't too important.