DayZ Epoch Kicking upon buying an item

Hey guys myself and a mate have been getting error message "Script Restriction #41" when trying to buy NVG's and "Script Restriction #49" when buying a back pack, it just seems to be the woman that sells food/drink, tool belt items, back packs and clothes, any one know a fix

I had the same issue on my server. Access your scripts through an FTP client (I use FileZilla) and open your 'scripts.txt' in the BattlEye folder. Copy and paste that to whatever text editor you use (again, I use NotePad++ for its simplicity) and find line 51. Change the number from a 5 to a 1. 5 means "log and kick" and 1 means "log only." BattlEye scripts are weird where the script you need to change is actually +2 from the script it lists.

Although I may be mistaken about the (+2) from what it lists, that seemed to work for me.