DB problems with new vehicle spawn locations


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

I spent a couple days creating several (1797) new spawn locations for vehicles across the Lingor Map, my intention was to have these vehicles spawn in more realistic locations and better distributed.

After converting the info to the DB, I noticed some problems right away.

First, on my DayZ.st hosted server, several vehicles - despite having spawned - did not show on the MapTool. Let me repeat myself here, in case I'm misunderstood. The vehicles DO appear in game, they don't on the MapTool.

On a Survival Servers server I also work on, I had an entirely different problem. I updated the world_vehicle table on the DB and run the vehicle spawn script with a limit of 300, the script created a bit over a thousand vehicles. I tried and tried, but I always get the same result.

I checked my vehicle table and did some math on the min and max values for each vehicle, even if every vehicle is spawned to the maximum limit, there should not be more than 500 vehicles in the map at any time.

So, my questions are:

Is the amount of spawn locations on my world_vehicle table too large for the DB to read it correctly?

Is there any reason as to why the DB won't read up the min and max values from the vehicle table correctly?

And on a separate although related issue...

Can someone explain to me how the DB decides among spawn locations entries for the same vehicle with the same chance to spawn, IE: (assuming only one of this vehicle is allowed in the server at all times)

1 66 2 [0,[6825.5859, 6890.4854, 3.2424927e-005]] AH6X_DZ 0.800
2 66 2 [0,[8276.0254, 8294.8027, 9.5367432e-006]] AH6X_DZ 0.800
3 66 2 [117,[6440.1851, 4453.2417, 9.5367432e-006]] AH6X_DZ 0.800
4 66 2 [28,[5691.0215, 4132.2466, 3.8146973e-006]] AH6X_DZ 0.800

I asked around and someone told me it just goes in order of the list. So it'll always spawn the first one. If I were to reduce the spawn chance to, say, 0.2 on the first entry, would that make it so the DB tries to spawn number 1, fails, and then goes to number 2?

Once more, I'd be really grateful for any insights on these problems.