db_migrate.pl upgrade fails - No error

What can you do without error messages? as you can see on the 17th of the 10th I redid the DB due to an error that couldn't be fixed, this looks like that's going to be happening again.
As i say, wireshark can be a good help when the end user app doesn't show any helpfull error.

Second, i was thinking in check the files and compare with the current repo version, maybe can be an error with version desync we all server admins know that we must update at least 1 time at week maybe you mix somethig in the middle...
Well I managed to get some kind of error with wireshark, took a few goes though!

"Duplicate entry 53 for key PRIMARY" seems to be an AUTO_INCREMENT issue? I checked the table and "Add AUTO_INCREMENT value" is enabled.

/....&.#23000Duplicate entry '53' for key 'PRIMARY'.....rollback................set autocommit=1................set autocommit=0...........,....SHOW TABLES LIKE 'migration_schema_version'.....z....def.information_schema.TABLE_NAMES.TABLE_NAMES2Tables_in_*********_dayz (migration_schema_version)
TABLE_NAME...@................ ......migration_schema_version....... ......commit................set autocommit=1................set autocommit=0...........B....SELECT version FROM migration_schema_version WHERE name = 'Bliss'.....a....def
*******_dayz.migration_schema_version.migration_schema_version.version.version...........................0.290000..............commit................set autocommit=1................
i must blame you for not use wireshark before? :D

its seems that you have an id 53 before in some table, i must quote the recommendation that some user did befoure, do you add some rows by hand?
Nope, I haven't but I am thinking this might be a result of using bliss admin to remove a user.

Actually I have added in some vehicles, but they have worked ok on the last two upgrades.
don't think that, the error is related with the default data of bliss, vechicle , world can be the two problematic tables

another weri thing is you have until v28 of the scheme but in current version you have 29 :S there is missing a row with 28old 29 new in the migration_schema_log, so maybe the problem comes from the last update not the current you are trying to do.

to fix this i think we must check the data stored..
Sorry, I am a little lost, you're referring to how it goes from 27 bliss to 30bliss?

    Edit Edit    Copy Copy    Delete Delete    27    Bliss    2012-11-02 13:59:15    0.260000    0.270000
    Edit Edit    Copy Copy    Delete Delete    28    BlissMessaging    2012-11-02 14:00:13    0.000000    0.010000
    Edit Edit    Copy Copy    Delete Delete    29    BlissInvCust    2012-11-02 14:00:46    0.000000    0.010000
    Edit Edit    Copy Copy    Delete Delete    30    Bliss    2012-11-17 12:47:17    0.270000    0.280000
yup , you have v29 in migration_schema_version BUT in migration_schema_log you have until v28 that's grong.
Meh, easiest way is to just cut/paste the contents of the sql files in and watch the errors, apart from the vw error there's a bunch of duplicate entries within world_vehicle.
wolrd_vechicle its fine
becouse is telling you which is hte vechicle that will spaen
world_vechicle holds the spawns
and one vechicle as a bike, can be in more than one place
if you have 2 bikes, you will have 2 rows in world_vehicles
with the same vehicle_id
It's the IDs that were conflicting (already in use), and the VW as a duplicate entry, it was removed previously so I added it back in myself and then it was added back in again with an update hence the error.

Once these were fixed the upgrade worked fine.
Great, not really a bloody error message telling me that would have been nice ;) though I should have just ran the SQL commands manually from the start, I was stupid not to.