Death Messages


Well-Known Member
Has anyone got death messages running on dayz ? if you have could you let show how :)
the first time i used this script it didnt work, i re-checked and found an error i had made while adding it, sometimes it does display the death message very fast on screen though (not often). I havent had any respawn problem etc though. My server is on as well
made some progress with this. found that I was teleporting my self and my buddy to each other. if we log out then log in after teleport it worked. I heard this was an issue if you change cloths also.

will try and implement in the main server files with all the mods. would like to try and get it come up in global chat rather than all the way across the bottom.
glad you made progress, i would like it displayed in global chat as well instead of across the screen, let me no how you get on.
Hi there, ive had some issues getting these working in the past, I usually got it working in the end though.

If you send me a link where I can download your mission pbo and server pbo, before trying any installing of this and ill have a go for you.


Im sorry buddy, that missions file you sent is not the correct thing mate i need the one with the init.sqf and the description.ext in the root

