Deploy bike help needed


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I was wanting to know if anyone has gotten the deploy bike to work correctly and how. Yes i have looked on here at the tutorials and such but none of them seem to help. I have done everything they have said but the scroll option just won't show up. Theres no errors coming from it in the RPT file so i just can't seem to think as to why it would not work. If anyone had any troubles with it and found a fix could they please let me know. Thanks.
This works fine for me on Epoch. Currently I have it running on Epoch I would start by verifying that you have no mistakes in your fn_selfActions.sqf file and that you have properly modified your compiles.sqf or created an additional one. You can look through the Krixes self blood bag script for details on how to create the custom compiles.sqf and to be sure you call the modified fn_selfActions.sqf here: