Disable AI from stealing ammo.


Hello Sarge !

This question will be very simple just like said in the title already ;) I have now been using the mod for quite a while and am starting to be very familiar with tweaking it around to match my needs, but one thing i've never come across and already looked up through the support section without any fruits is an option to disable the AI's from picking/stealing ammo from dead bodies and or vehicles.

It is definitely an option that makes it fun and realistic somehow but can get very annoying when a group of AI walks past your base camp or vehicle and steals all the ammo you've been collecting for the past few days :p
How many times was i not chased by survivor groups only because they wanted to take the ammo in my vehicle... Even while knowing they have infinite ammo...

So yes, the question is simple : Is there an option (maybe i've missed it ?) that allows us to disable the AI's from stealing ammo ?

Cheers, SparxOne