Disabling/restricting PvP


New Member
Hi everybody,

I'm not playing DayZ yet, but Im planning to in the near future (waiting for the standalone).

So, I have a little question about scripting (not watched source code yet) : do you think disabling PvP is possible ?

And why not, allowing admin to re-enable/re-disable it to the whole server, just for an area (PvP arena ?) or allowing player to enable/disable their own PvP (an user with PvP disabled can not be killed by a bandit and can not kill bandit).

If you've never played then this is the wrong forum for one thing... 2 pvp is what makes dayz worthwhile, without it it's a buggy mess that makes warz look well built.
Yes it is possible there are scripts available that punish a player by inflicting the same amount of damage on them, as they inflict on their victims. Search Armaholic.com , they were on there .. I run a server where I've split the map into areas, RED and GREEN. Obviously RED is PVP and GREEN is NON PVP. Users get the coloured overlays in both full map view and the GPS, so there's never any excuse for killing someone by accident ;)

Anyone breaking this rule, is simply banned. The server can be rolled back to fix most damage as well, so we don't have many issues with douche bags. So yeah, just another alternative to PVP, as players will always at some point want to kill each other, while the rest just want to cooperate...

The server is:
Kennux already did a real Coop Feature where you can also turn off PVP completly off. In this mod you were able to choose a Team and inside this team friendly fire was off.

You were also able as admin to turn the complete pvp off other the serverconfig.cfg.

Unfortunately he stopped developing it at version 17.4 or something like that. Maybe you can ask him how he done it ;)


Regards kikyou2