DZAI and Arma 3?

I am running 2 DayZ servers with Arma 3. The maps I have running are Chernarus and Altis, but other maps work too. Are there any plans to get DZAI to work with Arma 3?

Note: I have not tested to see if it works with Arma 3. I suppose a few minor tweaks and it might.

Thank you,
DZAI is likely not going to work without problems in Arma3 because a great deal of coding is specific to Arma2 and DayZ. I don't own A3 or a computer capable of running it, so I can't provide any support if you try to run it on A3.
There is not an official release of DayZ Mod for Arma 3, but I got it working... I have a private hive up on Arma 3 multiplayer now, but it is password protected and there are client files required that I have not released. There is also a new DayZ Mod license (released around a month ago) that I am looking into, which may be an impediment. I hate that they made that license, as it was obviously created to direct traffic to the DayZ Standalone. There is also a chance that parts of it may not be legal, but it's all about the money. :)
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